46 Regional Operational Program projects submitted by mayoralties of the Central Region

Tradus de Cosmin Ghidoveanu
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 29 iunie 2009


Grants worth in excess of EUR 95.56 million have been made available for the rehabilitation of the roads in the Central Region. The funds are allocated as part of Priority Axis 2 of the Regional Operational Program, (major intervention segment 2.1), which deals with the rehabilitation and the modernization of county roads and city streets, including the construction and rehabilitation of beltways. The final deadline for submitting projects is July 6th, 2009, and so far 46 funding applications were submitted by local public authorities of the Central Region for the rehabilitation of city streets.

According to a press release received by our editors, the 46 projects will cost an estimated 1,701.27 million lei, of which 1,343.51 million lei requested as grants. So far 8 contracts or pre-contracts have been concluded, worth an estimated 369 million lei, of which 253.21 million lei funded by grants. An additional 23 projects are still being evaluated, worth an estimated 832.21 million lei, of which 680.78 million lei in grants.

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