Advertising on and, sold through a company started by the wife of Dan Pazara

ADINA ARDELEANU (translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 5 septembrie 2016

Advertising on and, sold through a company started by the wife of Dan Pazara

Cristina Pazara exited the company in October 2015, assigning it to one of his current business partners

Dan Pazara, Communications Director at Petrom: "Your information is completely false"

The information in question can be found in the Official Gazette

Advertising on and gets sold through "Ead.Ro Interactive", currently owned by Raduly Ramona-Cristina, who was among the names proposed as board members for Publishing, in the place of journalist Oana Osman, but the shareholders have rejected her, according to some market sources.

What is interesting is the business ties that Mrs. Raduly Ramona-Cristina has, which go all the way to the family of Dan Pazara, communications director at OMV Petrom.

Cristina Pazara, wife of Dan Pazara, set up the company "Ead.Ro Interactive", in March last year, together with Raluca Nicoară, who is, according to some sources in the media market, a relative of Orlando Nicoară, the manager of the and projects. On October 8th, 2015, Cristina Pazara and Raluca Nicoară decided to exit the company, and were replaced by Raduly Ramona-Cristina. The latter is an associate of Cristina Pazara in a company called "Digital Bus". This switch took place about a month after the launch of, which suggests that perhaps, the exit was intended to officially avoid a potential conflict of interest: with Petrom concluding advertising contracts with the Profit. Ro platform, this transaction would have involved the two spouses - Dan Pazara, who, as a communications director at OMV Petrom has perhaps a certain level of influence with the marketing department of Petrom and with the "Ead.Ro Interactive" agency, in which his wife was a shareholder.

In turn, Raluca Nicoară, also a shareholder in "Ead.Ro Interactive", allegedly symmetrically concluded contracts with, where her relative, Orlando Nicoară was a manager.

You could say this is a deal between families!

The sudden appearance of associate Raduly Ramona Cristina to replace the other two (Cristina Pazara and Raluca Nicoară) makes you think that she is actually just a proxy and that the previous relationship continues, but remains hidden.

When asked to express his opinion on this information and on the rumors making the rounds about the control exercised by the Pazara family over the and websites, through a sales firm, Dan Pazara, the communications director of OMV Petrom, told us: "Your information is completely false. Neither me, or my wife are shareholders in or There is no conflict of interest".

As can be seen, Dan Pazara denies everything wholesale, without making the distinction between speculation, rumors and information.

Our information comes from the Official Gazette and from the and websites.

In other words, our information can't be "completely" false, unless they were reported so by the Official Gazette, which would mean that Dan Pazara is revealing to us far more serious things. şi are two media channels where the former employees (journalists and marketing) of Mediafax Group have ended up. There have been rumors that behind the two publications is either Adrian Sârbu, or Sebastian Ghiţă, or Sorin Ovidiu Vântu, or even some banks.

What is interesting, however is that prime-minister Dacian Cioloş and NBR governor Mugur Isărescu have endorsed some of the actions of these media products, such as the "Romania's strategy for development, regionalization and convergence to the Euro", organized in March by online publication, with the help of the Ministry of the Economy, Trade and Relationship with the Business sector. In fact, current secretary of state Sorana Baciu, of the Ministry of the Economy has worked for OMV Petrom, as strategy director, for seven years.

The secretary general of the ROPEPCA, which Petrom belongs to, has a daily show on

Another curiosity concerning the two media publications is also the daily 30 minute long show made by journalist Dan Apostol, who has been for some time now, the secretary general of ROPEPCA, an organization which was created, according to the presentation website, to bolster the image of the onshore sector for the exploration and production of crude and natural gas in Romania, as well as to strengthen its relations and communication with the state, the government, the regional and local authorities, the national agencies and the public. OMV Petrom is a member of that organization. Publishing was founded by five shareholders: four journalists (Oana Osman, former editor-in-chief of Capital, Cristi Popa, former editor-in-chief of Ziarul Financiar, head of the economic department of Mediafax, Ovidiu Tempea, ex senior editor Mediafax, and Thomas Dincă, ex senior editor Mediafax), with 0.39% of the shares, and Andreas Fuhrman, with a stake of 98%.

On October 15th, 2015, Paula Dobrescu also became a shareholder, with a stake of 15%, in exchange for 440,000 lei.

The capital of Publishing is made up of bearer shares, so that the shareholder structure could have changed at any time. There are voices in the market who claim that the company is now controlled by manager Orlando Nicoară, former CEO of "Mediafax Group", who is being indicted for tax evasion, embezzlement and money laundering, in the case against Adrian Sârbu. Some sources claim that in the last general shareholder meeting, Nicoară was present with a stake of more than 50% of the company.

According to information on, Paula Dobrescu is going to make her exit from the project. It seems that Oana Osman doesn't hold any shares in anymore.

Also, two other shareholders have sued the company. On August 17, the Court of Bucharest has posted the lawsuits filed by Ovidiu Tempea and Cristi Popa against Publishing, as they were disputing their layoffs.

On Friday, "BURSA" reported that Profit.RO Publishing has overdue claims of approximately 50,000 Euros, just a year after the launch of the platform, and "N.RO Agenţia de ştiri" SRL, which manages, owes the state budget 23,000 Euros. Both amounts include, health insurance, unemployment contributions and social security contributions.
