"Azomureş" investors struck gold

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 27 noiembrie 2008

In October, financial markets didn"t bring any positive yields to investors, rather the contrary, investments for one month brought losses, greater or smaller. Towards the end of last month, however, the markets seemed to begin a recovery, thus, investors who decided on October 24th, to put money in the stock market, in Gold, in bond funds or in Euro deposits, could have taken profits within a month.

Those who went for the capital market between October 24th and November 24th logged a gain of 1,36% for a portfolio tracking the ten most liquid stocks on the market, meaning those included in the BET index. The BET-FI index, which follows the evolution of the five financial investment companies (SIF), logged a greater gain, of 22,67%, for the period in question, thus making those who opted to buy SIF shares happy.

Those who bought "Azomureş" Târgu Mureş shares (symbol AZO), on October 24th, and decided to sell them one month later have hit the jackpot. This move would have brought them a yield of 53,41%, thus this proved to be the most profitable choice for the period discussed.

Those who bet on gold didn"t do so bad either. Investing in the precious metal would have brought the investors a 16,6% return on their initial amount.

Other winners on November 24th, were those who one month ago opened deposits in Euro with Garanti Bank. Their profit was 0,44% of the deposited amount.

Investments in the units of the "Pioneer Europa Obligaţiuni" fund also rose compared to the European currency. Thus, those who purchased such instruments, one month ago, would have earned 3,48% of the amount invested, had they decided to withdraw their money, on November 24th.

The only losers for the period in question are those who bet on the Leu.

Traditionalists who opted for "Romanian International Bank""s deposits in lei for the October 24th - November 24th period, lost 1,99% of their initial amount. However, the depreciation of the deposited amount was smaller than in the case of other banks.

Those who kept their money at home saw their savings lose 2,92%, compared to the Euro.

