Călin Georgescu's radicalization, detected by Artificial Intelligence

George Marinescu
English Section / 5 decembrie 2024

Interview given to the BURSA newspaper, on November 9, 2015, by Călin Georgescu

Interview given to the BURSA newspaper, on November 9, 2015, by Călin Georgescu

Versiunea în limba română

Călin Georgescu has been radicalized. This statement does not belong to us, but is the conclusion of a comparison that we requested from Artificial Intelligence (ChatGPT) between the statements made by Călin Georgescu in an interview given to the BURSA newspaper and published on November 9, 2015 (which you can read on the page.... in our today's edition) and his statements made in the 2024 electoral year. We note that the 2015 article was written after the Colectiv tragedy and after the resignation of Prime Minister Victor Ponta on November 4, 2015, after which Călin Georgescu's name was circulated for nomination as head of government.

After analyzing the statements from 2015 and those from 2024, Artificial Intelligence tells us: "Călin Georgescu has largely maintained his statements, such as promoting sovereignty and criticizing the corrupt political system. However, his discourse has become significantly more radical between 2015 and 2024. If in 2015 he proposed a collaboration between civil society and institutions to implement a national project, in 2024 he advocates for drastic changes, such as the abolition of political parties and a profound restructuring of the system. Călin Georgescu's radicalization may attract both passionate supporters and critics who consider the proposals unrealistic or difficult to implement in a democratic framework. The proposed solutions, although attractive in their simplicity, raise practical questions about the feasibility of replacing parties with other forms of political organization."

From the comparison of the 2015 and 2024 statements, the IA noted the following similarities:

1. Criticism of the political system:

- 2015: Georgescu describes the political class as a "different human species", dedicated to appropriating the public good and marked by corruption.

- 2024: Călin Georgescu continues to vehemently criticize political parties, declaring them "a mess" and suggesting that they are responsible for the country's stagnation. However, his candidacy for the presidency is supported by three political parties: AUR, SOS Romania and the Young People's Party.

2. Emphasis on sovereignty and independence:

- 2015: Emphasizes that Romania is in economic slavery, controlled by corporations and foreign interests.

- 2024: Advocates for national sovereignty, reducing external influences and using internal resources for development.

3. "Food, Water, Energy" Program:

- Although the formulation is more detailed in 2024, the principles of this program have been enunciated since 2015, as a strategic solution for positioning Romania in a unique global niche.

4. Hope in Youth:

- 2015: Praises the positive energies and desire for freedom of young people, considering them the key to the future.

- 2024: Similarly, expresses hope in the younger generations and the need for them to take responsibility.

Artificial Intelligence also detected major differences between the statements of nine years ago and those of today:

1. Attitude towards political parties:

- 2015: Georgescu recognizes that reform should come from the state and political parties, even if they are "non-existent" in the national space.

- 2024: Proposes the abolition of political parties, considering them a burden and useless in the reform of the system.

2. Radicalization of the discourse:

- 2015: Focuses on concrete solutions and on the creation of a national project through collaboration between civil society and state institutions.

- 2024: Adopts a more radical tone, with sovereignist measures and a firm stance against the entire political class, which it completely excludes from the equation.

3. Economic approach:

- 2015: Criticizes economic policy based on austerity and emphasizes the importance of the proximity economy and internal development.

- 2024: Extends this vision to specific fiscal policies and support for agricultural cooperatives.

As can be seen, the IA claims that the independent Călin Georgescu has become radicalized. Now, from the analysis of the political movements existing on the Globe, radicalization represents a main characteristic of terrorist, anarchist movements, which aim at the dissolution of the state and the replacement of democracy with authoritarian, dictatorial forms of leadership, in which economic, entrepreneurial and individual freedom are drastically restricted, almost non-existent. In other words, the sovereignism promoted by Călin Georgescu is not a beneficial one, but a radicalized, toxic one, meant to cancel democratic values. Multi-partyism, freedom of choice, free market, etc. These are democratic values, which Călin Georgescu's sovereignism eliminates, at the risk of taking us out of the EU and NATO (despite his declarations that he will not do this and despite those who say that he cannot do this either). That is amply demonstrated by the involution of the Bucharest Stock Exchange on November 24 - the date of the first round of the presidential elections - and to yesterday, an involution determined by the fear of businessmen who recently also faced the statements of Călin Georgescu for the publication Politico regarding the nationalization of certain companies.

Perhaps the above arguments should be taken into account or well weighed by the Romanian citizens who will express their option on December 8. They must choose between Romania's Euro-Atlantic path started 34 years ago and the dangerous neutrality and rapprochement with Russia preached by Călin Georgescu.

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