Ebrahim Raisi, Iran, Teheran, Khameini, Mokhber, accident aviatic

Ebrahim Raisi, înmormântat azi la Tabriz

G.M.Ziarul BURSA #Internaţional / 21 mai 2024

Preşedintele iranian Ebrahim Raisi, care a decedat duminică în urma prăbuşirii unui elicopter în nord-vestul Iranului, urmează să fie înmormântat astăzi în oraşul Tabriz, potrivit informaţiilor oferite ieri de agenţia iraniană de ştiri Tasnim,...

The tragic fate of Iran's hardline president is not expected to disrupt the direction of Iranian politics or shake the Islamic Republic in any way as a result, but it will test a system in which conservative hardliners now dominate all branches of power, both elected , as well as unelected. (Photo source: twitter/Ebrahim Raisi)

Ebrahim Raisi, buried today in Tabriz

G.M. English Section / 21 mai 2024

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, who died on Sunday after a helicopter crashed in northwestern Iran, is to be buried today in the city of Tabriz, according to information provided yesterday by Iran's Tasnim news agency, affiliated to the...

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