CĂUTARE (1143)

Ten years of presidency ended with a resignation

Ten years of presidency ended with a resignation

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 24 martie

Ten years of presidency ended with a resignation, with Klaus Iohannis thus ending his two terms not in glory, but in disgrace. On February 10, the former president announced his resignation in order to avoid a political crisis generated by the...

Ilie Bolojan assumed his duties as interim president

Ilie Bolojan assumed his duties as interim president

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 13 februarie

Ilie Bolojan, former president of the Senate, assumed his duties as interim president yesterday after the Constitutional Court took note of Klaus Iohannis' resignation on Tuesday. Before becoming interim president, Ilie Bolojan suspended...

Footprints AI: Obiceiul de consum din România

Footprints AI: Obiceiul de consum din România

A.B.Miscellanea / 5 februarie

Retailul românesc reflectă o combinaţie între pragmatism şi dorinţa de răsfăţ, conform celei mai ample analize a obiceiurilor de consum din România, realizată de Footprints AI, companie românească de tehnologie ce produce şi comercializează una...

Analiză Footprints AI: 2025 este Anul Retail Media

Analiză Footprints AI: 2025 este Anul Retail Media

A.D.Miscellanea / 23 ianuarie

Anul 2025 aduce o schimbare semnificativă pentru retaileri şi branduri, trecând de la metodele tradiţionale de marketing la strategii avansate de retail media omnichannel. Potrivit comunicatului remis redacţiei, la Retail Media Summit 2025,...

Ilie Bolojan decides to fire 178 Senate employees

Ilie Bolojan decides to fire 178 Senate employees

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 23 ianuarie

The President of the Senate, Ilie Bolojan, announced yesterday a broad institutional reform plan that will reduce the total number of positions in the Senate from 796 to 618, involving the firing of 178 employees. These measures are part of a...

The month of political aberrations

The month of political aberrations

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 22 ianuarie

Over 9.4 million citizens who went to the polls on November 24 had their options canceled by the Constitutional Court of Romania, which, after validating the first round of the presidential elections on December 2, reversed its decision on...

Botafogo a devenit campioana Braziliei

Botafogo a devenit campioana Braziliei

O.D.Sport / 9 decembrie 2024

Echipa Botafogo a realizat o dublă istorică, fiind încoronată campioană a Braziliei, la opt zile după ce a câştigat prima sa Copa Libertadores.

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Presidential 2024: so many promises, so many scandals

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 22 noiembrie 2024

The presidential elections in Romania, which will take place on Sunday, November 24, 2024, represent a crucial moment in defining the political direction of the country for the next five years, given the fact that, out of the 14 candidates for...

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28 Mar. 2025
Euro (EUR)Euro4.9773
Dolar SUA (USD)Dolar SUA4.6187
Franc elveţian (CHF)Franc elveţian5.2332
Liră sterlină (GBP)Liră sterlină5.9795
Gram de aur (XAU)Gram de aur456.5018

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