Based on a well-crafted strategy aimed at artificially expanding the market, the pharma giants seem to have become experts in "disease-making" and exaggerating common symptomatology in order to turn healthy people into drug-dependent patients. , a practice whose consequences are serious for public health and for the trust that patients have in the medical system.

Artificially created diseases; examples (I)

I.Ghe.English Section / 16 septembrie

The modern pharmaceutical industry, a global market of billions of dollars, is no longer limited to treating and curing the sick. In recent years, new advertising techniques have been developed that aggressively target healthy audiences, turning...

 În zeci de oraşe din centrul Siciliei, apa este raţionalizată, iar cetăţenii sunt nevoiţi să se bazeze pe apa livrată cu cisterne, care poate costa familiile şi firmele până la 300 de euro pe lună.

Efectele secetei: specula cu apă

O.D.Ziarul BURSA #Miscellanea / 28 august

Seceta severă care afectează insula italiană Sicilia a atins cote critice, lăsând mulţi locuitori din oraşul Caltanissetta fără apă la robinet de peste două luni. Într-o situaţie care aminteşte mai degrabă de dificultăţile din ţările în curs de...

In dozens of towns in central Sicily, water is rationed and citizens are forced to rely on water delivered by tankers, which can cost families and businesses up to 300 euros a month.

Effects of drought: speculate with water

O.D.English Section / 28 august

The severe drought affecting the Italian island of Sicily has reached critical heights, leaving many residents of the town of Caltanissetta without running water for over two months. In a situation more reminiscent of the difficulties of...

The Secretary General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, has issued a global climate "SOS". The Pacific Islands Summit organized by the United Nations (UN) brought to the fore one of the most acute problems facing humanity: the rapid rise of sea levels and the devastating impact on the Pacific islands. (Photo source: facebook / United Nations)

Climate "SOS" launched by the UN

Octavian DanEnglish Section / 28 august

The Secretary General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, raised the alarm about the major problems facing the planet. Antonio Guterres has issued a global climate "SOS". The Pacific Islands Summit organized by the United Nations...

O secetă severă a făcut apa de la robinet imposibil de băut în mai multe localităţi din regiunea Costa Blanca din Spania.

Coadă la apă în Spania

O.D.Ziarul BURSA #Internaţional / 27 august

O secetă severă a făcut apa de la robinet imposibil de băut în mai multe localităţi din regiunea Costa Blanca din Spania, ceea ce i-a obligat pe turişti şi localnici să stea la coadă la punctele de distribuire a apei îmbuteliate, pentru a-şi...

Attica, regiunea din jurul Atenei, a fost clasificată cu cod galben, o treime din populaţia Greciei fiind obligată să monitorizeze cu atenţie consumul de apă.

Criză de apă în Grecia

O.D.Ziarul BURSA #Internaţional / 27 august

Confruntat cu o penurie în această vară, operatorul de gestionare a apei din Atena va activa surse suplimentare pentru a consolida reţeaua de aprovizionare a capitalei elene, conform unui anunţ, citat de AFP. Sursele suplimentare sunt situate în...

Water crisis in Greece

Water crisis in Greece

O.D.English Section / 27 august

Faced with a shortage this summer, Athens' water management operator will activate additional sources to strengthen the supply network of the Greek capital, according to an announcement cited by AFP. The additional sources are located in...

La Nina: Ocean waters cool

La Nina: Ocean waters cool

O.D.English Section / 27 august

Specialists in ocean activity have noticed a thermal anomaly in the surface waters of the Atlantic Ocean, which are unusually cold for this time of the year, a phenomenon that began to manifest itself as early as May. This accelerated cooling,...

Amazonian dolphins, threatened

Amazonian dolphins, threatened

O.D.English Section / 27 august

A team of biologists, veterinarians and fishermen in Brazil briefly captured rare freshwater dolphins in the Amazon to study their health, hoping to avoid a repeat of the deaths of hundreds of such mammals last year due to severe drought, reports...

Water queue in Spain

Water queue in Spain

O.D.English Section / 27 august

A severe drought has made tap water undrinkable in several towns in Spain's Costa Blanca region, forcing tourists and locals to queue at bottled water dispensers to meet their needs. base, reports Reuters. Against the backdrop of the drop in...

Forest fires an ongoing global crisis

Forest fires an ongoing global crisis

Octavian DanEnglish Section / 22 august

Fires have ravaged vast territories across the globe this year. These fires, fueled by extreme weather conditions and climate change, have caused massive damage and triggered national and international emergency responses. This summer Canada is...

Photo source: en.wikipedia.org

Rising sea levels - threaten a famous city

O.D.English Section / 21 august

Nature is increasingly difficult to control. Sydney, Australia's flagship city, is "vulnerable" to rising ocean levels in the context of global warming, according to a new government report. The state of New South Wales, where the...

Photo source: revista-atelierul.ro

Contemporary artworks on display on the seafront

O.D.English Section / 21 august

Art can find its place anywhere. The works made within the "Art (and Ecology) at the Seashore" project were exhibited on the seafront in Eforie Sud, where they will remain until the end of August. European artists Meri The Zu and Reinier...

Climate change is imposing a new normal

Climate change is imposing a new normal

Octavian DanEnglish Section / 19 august

Our country has faced a new wave of heat waves in recent days. This is the first red heat code (the tenth this summer) ever issued in August in Romania, the director of the National Meteorological Administration, Elena Mateescu, said. Entire...

US agency: Warmest July on record

US agency: Warmest July on record

O.D.English Section / 15 august

Confirmation of the weather records set this hot summer is coming from several directions. Last month was the hottest July on record and marked the 14th consecutive monthly temperature record, according to a US agency. 2024 currently has a 77%...

"The residential construction market is decreasing"

"The residential construction market is decreasing"

Recorded by George Marinescu.English Section / 14 august

Reporter:: How did the construction sector perform in the first semester of 2024? Is there a greater appetite for investment in the industrial area? Has the residential market contracted or stagnated compared to the first half of 2023?...

Start-Up Nation 2024, approved by the Government

Start-Up Nation 2024, approved by the Government

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 9 august

Yesterday, the government approved the Start-Up Nation 2024 program, with a budget allocation of almost 446.2 million euros, of which 80% are European funds from the Education and Employment Program 2021-2027 through the European Social Fund...

Spain fell under the "dictatorship" of fires

Spain fell under the "dictatorship" of fires

O.D.English Section / 2 august

Wildfires are spreading more and more across the globe. Spain entered this unwanted map. Hundreds of firefighters assisted by water-bombing aircraft are struggling to bring under control two wildfires that have been raging in eastern Spain since...

The planet, under the onslaught of fires

The planet, under the onslaught of fires

O.D.English Section / 31 iulie

Devastating fires are wreaking havoc in all corners of the planet. Greece, USA, Russia are facing large-scale fires. Greece recorded 54 wildfires in a 24-hour period, with the intervention teams managing to bring 43 of them under control....

The Olympics, affected by heat and pollution

The Olympics, affected by heat and pollution

O.D.English Section / 31 iulie

Heatwave and pollution leave their mark on the current edition of the Olympic Games. The first problems started to appear, and here it is not only a matter of thermal discomfort, but also of the postponement of some tests. The thermometers...

Illustration by MAKE

Is Simion's plan possible or is it a mirage?

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 30 iulie

George Simion, the president of the Alliance for the Union of Romanians and candidate of this party in the presidential elections of November 24, offers houses to all the people. Simion's offer? 35,000 euros for a two-room apartment of 50-52...

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