UN: Crises are interconnected

UN: Crises are interconnected

O.D.English Section / 19 decembrie 2024

Trouble never comes alone, not even in climate issues. The ways in which people consume and feed themselves are causing "interconnected" crises that affect biodiversity, climate and health, threatening the survival of essential ecosystems...

COP16 - the need to make "peace with nature"

COP16 - the need to make "peace with nature"

O.D.English Section / 30 octombrie 2024

At a time when our planet is undergoing irreversible transformations, experts warn that it is vital that humanity takes concrete measures to protect biodiversity. Reports from the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services...

High temperatures affect ocean life

High temperatures affect ocean life

O.D.English Section / 17 aprilie 2024

Life in the oceans is not peaceful at all, being also affected by climate change. The world is facing a massive coral bleaching episode due to record ocean temperatures, the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) warned on...

Environment: Disaster in the Great Barrier Reef

Environment: Disaster in the Great Barrier Reef

O.D.English Section / 7 martie 2024

The planetary ocean is facing big problems due to various causes. Scientists are warning about the devastating phenomenon of bleaching of the Great Barrier Reef. According to the local non-governmental organization Climate Council, new underwater...

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