Environment: The largest marine protected area in the North Atlantic has been created

English Section / 22 octombrie

Environment: The largest marine protected area in the North Atlantic has been created

Versiunea în limba română

The regional assembly of the Azores Islands, a Portuguese archipelago located in the Atlantic Ocean, has approved the creation of the largest marine protected area in the North Atlantic. This decision places the Azores at the forefront of global efforts to conserve marine biodiversity. The new protected area covers nearly 300,000 square kilometers and is intended to protect essential marine ecosystems, including underwater mountain ranges, deep-sea corals, hydrothermal vents and various vulnerable marine species, Reuters reports. The measure is part of a wider ocean conservation initiative aligned with international goals to protect marine biodiversity, but it is ahead of the 2030 deadline.

Protection of the marine environment

Bernardo Brito e Abreu, Azores government adviser for maritime affairs, explained to Reuters that half of the marine area will be completely protected, with no fishing or tourism of any kind. The other half will be classified as a highly protected area, where only selective fishing will be allowed, to limit human impact on sensitive ecosystems. "We have acted ahead of the international conservation goals set for 2030 by creating the largest marine park in the North Atlantic," said Brito e Abreu, emphasizing the archipelago's proactive role in conserving global marine biodiversity.

Landmark for ocean conservation

The Azores, an archipelago of 9 islands, lies approximately 1,500 kilometers west of Portugal and is an autonomous region. The region is recognized for its unique biodiversity and particularly fragile marine ecosystems, which include rare species and delicate habitats such as deep-sea corals and hydrothermal vents. This ambitious initiative underscores the growing global commitment to protect the marine environment and conserve ocean resources, particularly in the face of threats such as climate change and overfishing. The new Azores Marine Protected Area will become a role model for other nations in their efforts to protect marine ecosystems and ocean biodiversity.

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