Paul Anghel, ANPC: "It is abnormal for some telephony operators to interpret < < unlimited > > as < < limited > >"

THE COURT RULED THAT SOME CONTRACTS CONCLUDED BY CELL PHONE COMPANIES INCLUDE ABUSIVE CLAUSESPaul Anghel, ANPC: "It is abnormal for some telephony operators to interpret < < unlimited > > as < < limited > >"

EMILIA OLESCU (translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)English Section / 11 decembrie 2017

The Courts have decided that some contracts concluded by the telephony companies contain abusive clauses. The Court rulings were rendered last year, as well as in 2016, but the argumentations have been formulated relatively recently.

"Romtelecom" revenues down 7.6% in Q1 2009 YOY

Cosmina Capalău (Tradus de Cosmin Ghidoveanu)Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 10 august 2009

Landline telephony operator "Romtelecom" posted revenues of 408.7 million Euros in H1 2009, down 7.6% over H1 2008 revenues, which stood at 442.4 million Euros, according to a report by Greek group OTE, the majority shareholder in the...

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