square 7
 Cushman & Wakefield Echinox: Anul trecut au fost finalizate mai multe proiecte de retail comparativ cu 2023, dar suprafaţa închiriabilă totală a acestora este cu 15% mai mică; Jumbo Center, cel mai important proiect livrat în Bucureşti

Cushman & Wakefield Echinox: Anul trecut au fost finalizate mai multe proiecte de retail comparativ cu 2023, dar suprafaţa închiriabilă totală a acestora este cu 15% mai mică; Jumbo Center, cel mai important proiect livrat în Bucureşti

A.F.Companii / 30 ianuarie

Stocul total de spaţii de retail din România a ajuns la 4,62 milioane de metri pătraţi, în condiţiile în care în 2024 au fost construite proiecte noi cu o suprafaţă cumulată de aproximativ 180.000 metri pătraţi, în scădere cu 15% faţă de nivelul...

Photo source: Facebook/ George Simion

Sovereignists, in search of legitimization

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 21 ianuarie

Daddy is back! President Donald Trump, the one whom in 2017 the former PSD president, Liviu Dragnea, called daddy, returned to the White House, after taking the oath of office last night, in the Rotunda of the Capitol building, a building that...

China Successfully Develops an "Artificial Sun"

China Successfully Develops an "Artificial Sun"

O.D.English Section / 16 ianuarie

China has announced the completion of a high-performance linear plasma generator, called SWORD (Superconducting Plasma Wall Interaction Linear Device), which represents a significant step in nuclear fusion energy research. The Hefei Institute of...

Montbeliard: Târgul luminilor de Crăciun

Montbeliard: Târgul luminilor de Crăciun

A.I.Internaţional / 24 decembrie 2024

Renumit în întreaga lume pentru frumuseţea fascinantă a luminilor sale de Crăciun, Montbeliard oferă una dintre cele mai încântătoare experienţe de vacanţă din Europa. Amplasat în regiunea Franche-Comte din estul Franţei, acest oraş fermecător...

The Earth is getting drier

The Earth is getting drier

O.D.English Section / 11 decembrie 2024

Land aridity is a problem with long-term effects and is difficult to solve. About three-quarters of the Earth's surface has become "permanently drier" in recent decades, a new UN study has warned. According to the study by the UN...

Danube Delta promoted at the Council of Europe

Danube Delta promoted at the Council of Europe

O.D.English Section / 28 noiembrie 2024

Promoting Romania's beauties internationally remains a commendable endeavor, even if the successes in this area are still few. Romania's permanent representation to the Council of Europe in Strasbourg promotes the Danube Delta in the...

Drones to combat pollution

Drones to combat pollution

O.D.English Section / 12 noiembrie 2024

Drones can do good things too, they are not just weapons of war. Authorities in the Indian capital, New Delhi, have tested a prototype of a sprinkler drone to combat the most resistant points of air pollution. The metropolis of 30 million...

October 2024, the wettest month in Spanish history

October 2024, the wettest month in Spanish history

O.D.English Section / 12 noiembrie 2024

Records related to temperatures, rainfall, winds, fall one after another. October 2024 was the wettest ever recorded in Spain, announced the Spanish Meteorological Agency (AEMET), which mentions a record of rainfall recorded in one hour during...

Deforestation rate falls

Deforestation rate falls

O.D.English Section / 11 noiembrie 2024

Good news travels as fast as bad. The rate of deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon fell by 30.6% in one year, between August 2023 and July 2024, a development presented as a success for President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, who promised to fight...

Alegeri SUA: Joe Biden a votat anticipat în Delaware

Alegeri SUA: Joe Biden a votat anticipat în Delaware

S.B.Internaţional / 28 octombrie 2024

Preşedintele Joe Biden şi-a exercitat luni anticipat dreptul de vot în New Castle, Delaware, statul său de reşedinţă, şi-a reiterat convingerea că vicepreşedintele Kamala Harris va câştiga alegerile prezidenţiale, o cursă în care iniţial se...

According to Richard Leck, responsible for oceans at WWF Australia, Australia's project would not protect "some of the most important areas of the islands", mainly the essential habitat of species such as the king penguin or the black-browed albatross.

Environment: World champions in ocean protection

O.D.English Section / 10 octombrie 2024

Australia will quadruple the area of the vast marine protected area around Heard and McDonald islands, located near Antarctica, where penguins, seals and whales live, the government announced on Tuesday, reports AFP. This measure represents a...

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21 Feb. 2025
Euro (EUR)Euro4.9773
Dolar SUA (USD)Dolar SUA4.7543
Franc elveţian (CHF)Franc elveţian5.2911
Liră sterlină (GBP)Liră sterlină6.0152
Gram de aur (XAU)Gram de aur447.9253

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