Creative writing among children, encouraged by Bucharest City Hall

English Section / 15 octombrie

Creative writing among children, encouraged by Bucharest City Hall

Versiunea în limba română

Bucharest City Hall, through the Bucharest Metropolitan Library (BMB), is organizing, today, the award ceremony of the "Green Book of Childhood" Literary Creation Competition. The event will take place at the Romanian Playwrights Theater and will bring to the fore the literary creations of children who "reflected on the future of our planet and sustainability". The volume "Green Book of Childhood" brings together the works of children between the ages of 7 and 14, who participated in the creative writing and illustration workshops organized in BMB branches. "Through this project, we wanted to offer children a space where they can develop their creativity and express their vision of a sustainable future. The "Green Book of Childhood" is a plea for involvement and action in protecting the environment, and the Library Metropolitan Bucharest assumes the role of promoter of education for sustainability", said the director of the BMB, Ramona Ioana Mezei. The awards ceremony will mark the official launch of the printed volume and the recognition of the most valuable works, selected by a jury of specialists.

The children enrolled in the competition will participate in the event, awarded for their works that can be found in the volume "Green Book of Childhood".

According to the organizers: "To celebrate the creations of these young writers, the event will include a special artistic moment, offered by the Theater Troupe of the National College «I. L. Caragiale». They will stage a play written by them, entitled "Earth's Last Cry", inspired by children's writings, bringing to life the stories and characters created by them, with a strong message about environmental protection and saving the planet''. The "Green Book of Childhood" competition is part of the "Literature without age" program, launched by BMB in 2018, dedicated not only to reading, but also to creative writing.

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