DNSC warns of online shopping pitfalls

DNSC warns of online shopping pitfalls

O.D.English Section / 4 decembrie 2024

The National Cyber Security Directorate (DNSC) warns of the dangers in the context of the increase in online transactions during the holidays, when attackers exploit the hunting for promotions, online contests, gift purchases, hotel reservations...

Photo source: facebook / Ministry of Internal Affairs, Romania

MAI post-secondary schools: 2880 places available

O.D.English Section / 27 septembrie 2024

Young people who want to become policemen, gendarmes, firefighters or border policemen can sign up, until October 6, for the admission contest in the post-secondary schools of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, October - December session, with...

Photo source: facebook / Gabriela Firea

Political movements before the PSD Congress

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 12 august 2024

The leaders of the Social Democratic Party have already begun to announce their desire to occupy certain positions in the future leadership team of the political formation that will be elected at the Congress that would take place on August 24....

Photo source: facebook/Eurovision Song Contest

Eurovision, a tribune of geopolitical squabbles

O.D.English Section / 24 aprilie 2024

The Eurovision contest is changing from one year to the next, the connection with music being ever thinner. This year's edition will be no exception, being preceded by many geopolitical discussions. More than 400 Irish artists urged the...

Science: MEET competition between 20 robotics teams

Science: MEET competition between 20 robotics teams

O.D.English Section / 12 ianuarie 2024

Domestic robotics is animated by great local and international ambitions. The municipality of Brăila hosts for the first time the first MEET robotics competition, an event organized by the "Helix" robotics team of the County Library and...

The Cyprus Stock Exchange, closer to privatization

The Cyprus Stock Exchange, closer to privatization

A.V.English Section / 21 decembrie 2023

The Cyprus Stock Exchange (CSE) is getting closer and closer to privatization, with the process to end at the end of 2024 at the latest, according to a bill drawn up by the Ministry of Finance in Nicosia, announced in -cyprus.philenews.com.

eToro lansează topul Eurovision Stock Contest

eToro lansează topul Eurovision Stock Contest

F.D.Internaţional / 11 mai 2023

Cu prima semifinală a Eurovision rămasă în urmă, telespectatorii români, alături de milioane de oameni din întreaga lume, vor fi lipiţi de televizoare pentru cea de-a doua semifinală din această seară a competiţiei muzicale, potrivit unui...

Sursă foto: eurovision.tvr.ro

Eurovision, selecţia naţională: 84 pe un loc

O.D.Ziarul BURSA #Miscellanea / 15 decembrie 2022

Interesul pentru Eurovision rămâne la cote înalte, atât din partea publicului cât şi din cel al specialiştilor, în ciuda nenumăratelor controverse care însoţesc acest concurs an de an. Nu mai puţin de 84 de piese vor intra, sâmbătă, în Selecţia...

"Se impunea remanierea lui Virgil Popescu"

MIHAI TUDOSE: "Se impunea remanierea lui Virgil Popescu"

G.D.Politică / 30 august 2022

Vicepreşedintele PSD Mihai Tudose a declarat că se impunea remanierea lui Virgil Popescu de la Ministerul Energiei deoarece mare parte din haosul care este în prezent i se datorează. El a adăugat că este o opinie personală, iar atributul...

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31 Ian. 2025
Euro (EUR)Euro4.9767
Dolar SUA (USD)Dolar SUA4.7959
Franc elveţian (CHF)Franc elveţian5.2638
Liră sterlină (GBP)Liră sterlină5.9541
Gram de aur (XAU)Gram de aur430.9044

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