Crisis Delays Planned Investments In Pecica Industrial Zone

Tradus de Andrei Năstase
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 27 mai 2009

Crisis Delays Planned Investments In Pecica Industrial Zone

Paula Bulzan,Arad

Several investors who had previously announced plans to invest in the Industrial Zone of the town of Pecica, Arad County, changed their plans sometime after the beginning of the financial crisis. They prefer to remain for the time being in rented space in the Arad Industrial Zone because they do not have the funds to build new production halls in Pecica.

"For the time being, all the investment projects announced for this year are on stand-by. We have had talks with three investors who wanted to buy land in the Pecica Industrial Zone but postponed their investment until lending conditions improved," said Petru Antal, Mayor of Pecica. For the time being, the Pecica Industrial Zone only hosts an Italian company that produces various profiles and accessories for the auto industry and has 70 employees.

"The development of the town of Pecica is obvious. We are planning to attract another 40-50 companies and small- and medium-sized enterprises and create real competition on the local labour market, because competition means better salaries for the employees and higher revenues for the administration," Mayor Antal added.

The local mayoralty is offering investors a number of incentives, including production spaces, affordable rent, specialized consultancy, assistance throughout the incubation period, business intelligence, marketing services, exhibition spaces, conference rooms, personnel training etc. The mayoralty has contacted several companies in Verona, Padua, Milan, Turin and Trieste to invite them to invest in the town.

The Industrial Zone of Pecica is located 25 kilometres from Arad and 15 kilometres from Battonya, Hungary, and has sufficient land for another 10 production halls.
