Digital Homes, No Longer Just In The Movies

Viviani Mirica
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 19 noiembrie 2008

Technological progress has made it possible to have "intelligent homes" that respond to the owner and can even be controlled remotely through the Internet. Speaker volume, lighting, temperature and even the microwave are no longer stand-alone amenities, but parts of an integrated system that some people call home. Moreover, such customization can be done for each single room in the house, enabling each inhabitant to define their own preferences. When the owner is not at home, they can use the Internet to access the "home control panel" to do all of the above and even feed the fish in the aquarium from hundreds of miles away, according to Paul Manea, Account Manager for RomAudioVideo. According to him, such homes can be provided with a remote access control system enabling owners to let guests in while they are away. While at home, the owner can switch between different themes, which encompass a combination of lighting, temperature and music. As an example, the button for "romance" will lower lighting to 30% and start a play list of relaxing music, while the button for "party" helps the host start an improvised party in seconds. "Practically, there are no limits as long as the system is in place and we have an internet connection," Manea added. According to Ioan Trifu, the CEO of Lotus Telecom, the concept appeared in the US about a decade ago and has expanded constantly, from just a sound system, to sound, video, temperature, a single remote for all devices in the house and much more. The price of all this automation can be as much as tens of thousands of euros, depending on the features and the degree of automation. An intelligent house can even have a home cinema room, with its own projector and hi-fi sound system. Armchairs that can relay the vibrations in the movie can make the experience even more realistic.

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