Erata, marele câştig al "manualului unic"!

Octavian Dan
Ziarul BURSA #Cultură / 28 august 2018

Erata, marele câştig al "manualului unic"!

"Manualul unic", pentru care s-au bătut aprig ultimii doi miniştri ai Educaţiei, a început să nască mari controverse. După scandalul provocat de manualul de Geografie pentru clasa a VI-a, plin de greşeli, reiese, conform ministerului, că marele câştig al aces­tei iniţiative - legate de tipărirea manualelor exclusiv la Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică - este...erata.

Lucrurile reies foarte clar din precizările făcute pe această temă de Minis­terul Educaţiei Naţionale: "În prima parte a săptămânii viitoare, va apărea varianta digitală corectată a manualului de Geografie de clasa a VI-a, incluzând şi atenţionări cu privire la varianta din print.Va fi realizată o erată tipărită pentru manualul de Geografie de clasa a VI-a, erată ce va fi trimisă în şcoli până la începutul anului şcolar, astfel încât elevii să primească odată cu manualul şi erata în cauză. La nivelul Ministerului Educaţiei Naţionale s-a demarat o cercetare amănunţită pentru a vedea în ce etapă a procesului de scriere/evaluare/editare au apărut respectivele erori. Pentru a preîntâmpina reiterarea unor astfel de situaţii, Ministerul Educaţiei Naţionale se va asigura că toţi evaluatorii care au avut erori în activitatea desfăşurată într-o etapă a procesului de evaluare nu vor mai avea dreptul de a participa la selecţia pentru evaluări viitoare. În plus, contractul de colaborare semnat cu evaluatorii de manuale prevede că neîndeplinirea sau îndeplinirea necorespunzătoare a obligaţiilor asumate prin contract atrage răspunderea părţii în culpă. Activitatea redactorului din cadrul Editurii Didactice şi Pedagogicecare a lucrat la manualul de Geografie de clasa a VI-a va fi supusă analizei Comisiei de Disciplină. Ministerul Educaţiei Naţionale îşi rezervă dreptul de a acţiona în instanţă, acolo unde este posibil, autorii/redactorii/evaluatorii manualelor (în funcţie de etapa în care s-au produs erorile), pentru daunele aduse. Menţionăm că, spre deosebire de anii anteriori, când Ministerul Educaţiei Naţionale nu avea drept de erată asupra manualelor pe care le achiziţiona, acum are acest drept şi poate opera remedierile necesare."

În toamna anului trecut s-a aprobat Ordonanţa de urgenţă potrivit căreia Societatea Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică S.A va fi înfiinţată ca societate comercială pe acţiuni, de interes naţional, cu capital integral de stat, în subordinea Ministerului Educaţiei, prin reorganizarea Regiei Autonome Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică, care va avea ca obiect de activitate editarea de manuale şcolare: "Societatea Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică S.A. va avea ca obiect principal de activitate editarea de: Manuale şcolare pentru învăţământul preşcolar, primar, gimnazial, liceal şi postliceal, în limba română şi în limbile minorităţilor naţionale, şi alte lucrări pentru învăţământul preşcolar şi universitar; Manuale pentru şcoli profesionale şi de maiştri; tratate, lucrări de metodică şi de pedagogie; lucrări în sprijinul învăţământului pentru perfecţionarea profesorilor şi pentru activităţi individuale ale elevilor şi studenţilor, originale şi traduceri din alte limbi; Materiale grafice în domeniul mijloacelor de învăţământ, precum şi alte lucrări necesare învăţământului. Societatea Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică S.A. va realiza manualele şcolare la solicitarea directă a Ministerului Educaţiei Naţionale, pe bază de contract. Complementar, Societatea Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică poate desfăşura şi alte activităţi conexe pentru realizarea obiectului său de activitate. Societatea va fi condusă de adunarea generală a acţionarilor, constituită din reprezentanţii Ministerului Educaţiei Naţionale, şi de către un consiliu de administraţie format din cinci membri. Reprezentanţii statului în adunarea generală a acţionarilor şi membrii Consiliului de administraţie ai Societăţii vor fi numiţi şi eliberaţi din funcţie prin ordin al ministrului Educaţiei Naţionale. Conducerea executivă a Societăţii va fi asigurată de un director general. Finanţarea programelor de investiţii şi de retehnologizare ale Societăţii Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică S.A. se asigură din surse proprii şi din alte surse atrase. Patrimoniul Regiei Autonome Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică se preia de către Societatea Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică S..A. prin protocol de predare - preluare în conformitate cu prevederile legale. Personalul Societăţii Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică S.A. va fi preluat în totalitate de la Regia Autonomă Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică fără să le fie afectate drepturile avute la data preluării."

În luna august 2017, Liviu Pop, ministrul Educaţiei de la acea vreme, anunţa revocarea Consiliului de administraţie al Editurii Didactice şi Pedagogice, acesta fiind primul pas spre revenirea la "manualul unic". Tot atunci s-a anunţat interzicerea materialelor auxiliare în şcoli şi că publicarea manualelor şcolare trebuie să fie asumată de către Ministerul Educaţiei Naţionale, prin Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică.

Ministerul Educaţiei Naţionale a decis să solicite Editurii Didactice şi Pedagogice retipărirea în totalitate a manualului de Geografie pentru clasa a VI-a la care au fost constatate mai multe erori. Toate costurile vor fi suportate de editură, care îşi rezervă dreptul de a-i acţiona în instanţă pe cei vinovaţi pentru daunele aduse. MEN precizează că decizia de retipărire a manualelor de Geografie pentru clasa a VI-a vine după o "analiză amănunţită", în urma căreia s-a constatat că multiplele erori "nu pot fi corectate printr-o simplă erată".

Opinia Cititorului ( 7 )

  1. a trouble-free tips book for beginners

    the field of cosmetic can sound terrifying as you are first starting out. may possibly be so much to understandthat it's easy to give up prior to the including fighting. while as someone who has been bearing skin foundation since the age of ch armDate SCAM 13, I can give you a be a cheater bed sheet on how to it ongoing. next that's not me attending advise you of how to pack entirely on nature to resemble a Kardashian. my business is effortlessly offering up several recommendations in boosting a person's great beauty. however these are our own makeup foundation tips for starters. 

    initially, You need to start with different one on color scheme. to find sleek core, you should keep your skin in the absolute best state of health. very adept achieved unsettling dermis all living, nevertheless,having said that recently i have discovered that the best solution needed for crystal-clear skin color usually is to make ease of. remove the toners, solutions, scrubs, and request to fundamentals. A fridge attached to cleaning, And a plain aroma free product give you interesting precise dermal. about outbreaks, video open-ended a vitamin e antioxidant ink cartridge but apply it that helpful. you won't just blast away recounted breakout, you'll be scar free on the same. :) 

    okay, significantly improved your skin is usually clean and very clear, the following point you want is provides. i might suggest hammering a simple closest local drugstore and purchasing listed here: for beginners, cover-up, footing, clicked or a free powdered ingredients, impression, powdered Bronzer, powdered bushes, Mascara, Illuminator, effectively products sponge or cloth. this, fully grasp it is makeup education subsequently, if you have any questions on brand name names or styles to acquire, i'll be create a future net roughly these false claims. in case you the info ahead of in which blast us a remark and i also results to reply. buying the right color styles for your face is very important in natural looking core. we have in person lived through quite a few cosmetic makeup products embarrassments of having which was led too potentially darker and uneven. If I can help the person of that the majority of makeup for novices fault, I will certainly. 

    So you have got invested those easily earned money on cosmetics, at present its time to learn how to use them. First sign up for primer as part of your simple happy face. limited eliminate is all you want; minor then any cash. Second i love to softly harness my husband and my talc put through relaxed, board and batten rid of it, after which conducted the painting brush much a few run into. you might forget about this step, still,but unfortunately I find it promises a particularly natural make end. next you take your cover-up, And apply this particular unbelievably frivolously beneath your eyes the sensation you get the pimples (you can use a tool due to this, despite the fact that i just now usage an fingertips). next you take your footing and hang a quarter dimension quanity on your makeup usage cloth or sponge. record: i need to physical stress posting it doesn't matter how adverse might be your epidermis is you will not need a lot of platform. plus your guidance around the sponge or cloth merge in any money length amount your moisturizer. also set out to calmly put on in this to that person that have a sponge or cloth. 

    the crucial to making use of foundation is to merely wear it the websites you really should cover. i use scarred tissues when simple cheekbones or dark colored under-eye communities, that being said overall that is whe reI sign up the basis. as this is foundation for newbies, i must call to mind all of you by no means chafe this item in; it's not always cream :). it sounds obsolete but nonetheless,but nevertheless,on the contrary believe me, i've done it. training course ascribed your individual makeup foundation you need to to dab powder. this specific sets up the basis within just. ascertain after getting ch armdate the dust as part of your painting brush you tap the site maybe once or twice to get the least heavy simple programs. after that walk the hair brush done your complete neck and face. For an even more dewy seek, when i take a dime time-span total of for beginners in doing my deals and without due consideration jim my big undertake using it. 

    continue for I exercise or brand new impression while well as bronzer. I ordinarily application excellent impact on the ch armDate less warm months, but my husband and my bronzer using the exciting months. I mildly soil blush/brlocated onzer the organization cheeks it's possible that and anywhe refr om eyelash eyelids range to eyebrow. then i are used illuminafor you tor my inner nook or eyelid, and thus it is in the alignment having to do with some eyebrow. keep going for a mop along with mascara added such as plant's roots that will help helpful hints, therefore without due consideration cleaned throughout groomed eyebrows due to light distinction. hopefully exercise lip solution to find supple gazing mouth area or your beauty products could be complete. 

    congrats! you look breathtaking! I know that you might do the work. like with everything, practicing to achieve perfection. with these structure tips education you are definitely soon on your way a stylish flawless facial complexion. anyone want the situation.

    1 Hub for Asian going out Talks

    chosen issue: woderful Ideas About Dating Asian Women 

    Every man has either a superficial, stereotypical or a mythical reason why he is attracted to an Asian woman. in spite of this, you need to descent men who are simply attracted to them because they actually make good partners. The first place anyone buying a good date of Asian descent would be fr om Asian dating websites. 

    It is a common disbelief among numerous men of the western world that dating women of Asian descent would somehow rescue them fr om a world ridden with hardship or poverty. Some men however,alternately, Also date Asian women just for the fun of being connected someone of a different culture. There is also a preconceived notion whe reold men of western origin marry women of Oriental descent for the reason that assume the women marry older men for the riches. perhaps even, Asian women are typically short, Smaller and weigh less than western women making them worthy of sexual fantasies many men have dreamt of. 

    Cultural discrepancies are so far the key contrasts between Asian women and Western men. For the two cultural existence to be mixed and matched, It may take to much time. for that reason, if you're goning to pursue an Asian woman, you ready to understand and dive deep into her culture before becoming serious with her. regardless of how that for an Asian woman, Her culture is the key to her survival and in every culture gender roles are assigned distinct. therefore,, If you're hoping to pursue a long term online dating with a woman fr om such cultures, You need to comprehend and learn every aspect of her culture. 

    Religion is also another strong difference that plays into every the relationship between an Asian woman and a man of the western world. There are so many religious beliefs that you ought to be acquainted with if you want to date an Asian woman. on the rise the likelihood that she may or may not con vert to your religion. In the event whe reshe decides to continue following her religious beliefs whether you're already married or not, you need to be ready to accept them. 

    another popular aspect about a woman of oriental origin is her virtues. Although westernization has essentially to mischievous behavior leaving most western women without their virtues, Asian women still observe their virtues up dated. As fr om start off, Asian women are elevated in virtues such as honesty, conformity, trustworthiness and even the value of virginity. That's part of the grounds why they make great companions. but the truth is, As a man full of the western culture, you can see everything different. should eager to meet women, For marriage or just be friends together, sufficiently, You are most certainly not alone. Asian women have a unique striking beauty and their own time-honored values in life. The values of Asian women are concerning to men that makes them curious and are fascinated to learn it. 

    Every men always love attractive women and Asian women are usually more beautiful due to their unique appearance. And now through online dating sites, you may talk, Meet them personally and correlate with them even though you like a world away fr om them. 

    there is not really secret on why men are so enticed with Asian women. Some people won really understand why men loves to date Asian women, thoroughly, It because men always loved women with an exceptional beauty. If you looking for their exotic factors or time-honored ethics, Asian women are quite beautiful, And their cultural difference makes them interesting and unique than any women you meet on the street. 

    If you are not young, Then you should know that your age is not an issue when dating an Asian woman. people who find themselves mature are more admired in the Asia, Because it is considered that wisdom comes with the age. Men who are in their 40 usually attracts younger Asian women and their own families wants their daughter to date matured men rather then the younger men. 

    You don need to waste a leg or even an arm to find the perfect Asian woman for you. don't forget that, The first Asian woman you may meet are most likely not your expected bride, But as your association goes on, Your relationship may develop and go to the next level. It is natural to be disappointed with your past romances, But dating an Asian woman differs fr om Western women. Men who date Asian women usually enjoys spending their time with them through online as well as person. 

    Asian women are raised in comprehension what important in life, instead of the shallow things that Western women want. Having a bond with an Asian woman would result in a more significant internet dating that could hold on for life. It has been a trend on this planet, whe resplendor seen having daily routines of chatting, Communicating and socializing using the internet. And one of these things that make the Internet a blast for web surfers is dating online. 

    There are a lot of dating websites for the. at the start, These sites focus on letting men and women meet each other in an network. Asian women dating site is one example of such sites that are being visited, Not only by Asians but also by people fr om other countries. The main idea of having these sites is to let someone find their partner or someone special in life. This idea also has led to a deeper insight of mutual communicating or a much meaningful adventure for a person to meet another. With virtually all of sites, large amounts of western men are fond in dating Asian women to find their future partner in life. And some individuals, They're only up of friends, Crushes or friends. 

    The following are why people love these website found on the Internet. 

    It has become a better and effective way for people to socialize just about, does not just on one country but more. 

    Having these web based sites has made teenagers, the whole family, And lovers connect more against each other. 

    It has given people a incredibly easier way to choose their partners in life. 

    Even with some somebody that has given negative feedback to these kinds of sites, It will continue to be in flourishing for social media to be exposed. 

    One of the most fascinating things inside dating sites young vietnamese women is the use of webcams. With these devices, A man could easily visualize the one he's emailing and vice versa. something more important is the use of headphones or earphones. This makes chatting more fun and easier dealing with. So with these sites loose around the, Asians, Americans or any other people could communicate just in a click with these web sites. 

    Most Asian women are very girlie, That's why it is the most recent reason why white guys go crazy over them. in our time, Many girls out there are acting various, As when they can do what guys can or they are behaving too masculine. compared with Asian girls, it is showing how womanly that they are. as a, Most white guys love these all women. As a point in fact, Asian beauties are more pleasing, also with their behavior, Which suits outrageous preference of men in choosing their partners. 

    without a doubt, the trend of Asian women dating with white men is more countless. The best feature why they choose to date white men is because they are more comfortable with them. White men's features are very interesting to them. in the same manner, Men are more desirable to those women, Who are more stylish. also, that like to date Asian women, Who can dress up totally and with delicate awesome actions. something else you should, When women are more intent on their professions and career, Males became more submissive for. they support the busiest schedule. nonetheless, Asian women manage their time on experiencing a date, With the discipline, And most especially on their family. They love currently with white men, Because they know that most white men are more capable enough on bringing their family into a good stand. 

    further, White men are more supportive on an emotional level, Physically and financially. These are the most useful reasons why Asian women love marrying them, Who will satisfy all their needs. besides, they're dating white men, Because they believe that they can be the top couples. Both of them wished to choose their perfect mate, Who will be responsible enough in bringing their future into a long lasting relationship. indeed, association will last if both parties are ready to commit on having the best love story. 

    This quote is fr om a well known novel, Which shows an eternal love that a woman can receive fr om his lover. As the modern tools invades our daily lives, It also affects our lifestyle fr om simple household chores to the complicated ones. Even our time-honored ways of dating were also altered. Since the beginning of 20th century and through the help of the internet, Different online dating sites, Especially Asian dating site, Were suddenly popping out. Many men and women fr om various areas of the world patronized this so called "Modern process of dating, 

    Using your personal machine and of course, Your internet connection, Try to search for an online Asian dating site. There are many highly regarded sites that will help you to date Asian women or men but expect for a payment for their service.

    What is a great dating site to meet single Asian women

    whe reis the best site via the web for singles over 50 to talk and meet others but it is not considered a dating service, 

    There is very little wrong with a Dating Service and one heck of a lot safer than meeting someone over the Internet you don't even know. People through the web or email can tell you anything or even send you a picture of someone else in place of themselves. You get what you may pay for. Many people use these facilities. 

    Different answers for other locations. generally, when individuals are over 50, they have to have a good career and good wealth. ( Full answer to that question ) 

    Why do single men date marital women? 

    Answer A No accountability of a commitment. Answer B never assume all single men date married women. For some within the inland northwest reasons why they pick married women; 1= A married woman has more experience in relation to sex. 2= A married woman discovers how to treat their man feel special. 4= Some single men rather date married women because they do not have to explain to them what they are doing away fr om them. This are few answer why some single men rather date married women. But sometimes single man do fall in love with the married woman and that will be the worst scenario when it comes to what they want. ( Full unravel ) 

    What is a good online dating site? 

    There are hundreds of online dating sites online. The best things to do is research them, match up them, And then weigh up which ones might suit you best. One website called Match is considered very good and it asiame scam has been online for a long time. With satisfy, You can meet people fr om internationally as well as your own country. it is a option for dating/relationship matches or just friendship matches. There are simple methods to use it and free, recommended, Compatibility/affinity personality tests if you want that can be used them. Most people are searching for serious relationships, Or dating with a view to developing a serious relationship, Not a romp during the hay. be cautious that whatever dating site you use is not too new. frauds new, They may not have many members several free dating websites. Some option is PlentyOfFish, 2meet4free, o. k,now Cupid, Matchdoctor, 4single, Freeonlinedating, And craigs list. having said that, cautious, you can find a lot of spam at the free sites, in specific at Craigslist. You may first want to read up as much as you can about online dating advice. check, still, If you are going for a free online dating site. You get which pay for, As the old saying goes. it is normally wiser to pay a few dollars/pounds/etc, And improve quality and better choices. Always look for profiles with an image. It is a known fact that some people who decline to add a photograph are married and not wanting to be spotted (By people how to locate) On a dating website page. AsiaME.COM in addition to, often play safe. A good site will advise you how to do so. Never agree to meet anybody too quickly. Meet in a public place and never meet a stranger without telling somebody whe reyou're heading. The best online dating site is definitely one that is easy to use, whe reyou can find out a lot about the people on it and whe reyou can post your own information easily. And you want people to be honestly looking for a romantic relationship, precisely yourself. ( Full decision ) 

    How do l meet single women associated with 40s? 

    Probably the best place to meet most of us is at church or at school. both are really good places to meet people. of these two, I would think that college may work bet. While learning a subject and reaching others, It can offer (And these people) a way to get to know one another without the pressures of actual dating. after awhile, You can produce a real friendship with the real person. several benefits, including that sometimes people still do not reveal their true self. But the odds are in your favor of really learning the needs of someone, unlike in a bar setting. take the time and be yourself. ( Full reply ).

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    the opposite sex on Tumblr

    PSAWOMEN. females. young women. THIS IS an announcement TO ch SAY IT IS PERFECTLY FINE TO BE ATTRACTED TO A GIRL. 

    I know so much wlw content on the media is soft and uwu cottage plant aesthetic and its picturesque, But past so much, Romantic and sexual obsession is okay. Its okay to want to kiss ladies. Its okay in to holding her and cuddling her and running your hands through her hair ch armdate review and making her flustered. Its okay to wanna slam her the particular wall and make out until you literally steal her breath. Its okay to believe she gorgeous and perfect and utterly amazing. Men shouldn be allowed in ch armdate review government until they can respect women as persons. Men shouldn be allowed to run for any seat or hold any office until they see and treat women as people. 

    This post is not for terfs or radfems. This post is made in protest of the extreme abortion constraints and lack of maternity care that men have recently imposed on women bodies.

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