The "Counseling Compass for Conspiracy Thinking" program, recently launched by Nancy Faeser, Germany's Interior Minister, and set to become operational on 28 February 2025, is nothing more than a plan to re-educate the population or reinstate the STASI - the former political police of the GDR (German Democratic Republic, a state established by the USSR in East Germany, which operated from 1950 to 1990) - in Germany, says MEP Gheorghe Piperea (ECR/AUR).
In explaining the new program, which will have national contact points open to all those affected and those seeking advice, Nancy Faeser said: "Conspiracy narratives go hand in hand with lies and disinformation. They are deliberately spread to divide our society and destroy trust in independent science, free media or democratic institutions. Conspiracy narratives can generate extremist ideologies and can lead perpetrators to commit criminal and violent acts. Anti-Semitic conspiracy narratives are particularly widespread. Usually, people in the immediate environment - family, circle of friends or at school - are the first to notice when conspiracy narratives are spreading. An open, face-to-face dialogue often seems impossible, because the other person is not open to arguments. The establishment of the national counselling centre is therefore an important component in the holistic fight against extremism and disinformation". In response, MEP Gheorghe Piperea (ECR) states that the future German instrument represents a real danger to freedom of expression and democracy in Germany and Europe: "This programme is, I believe, the first in the world that has managed to find conspiratorial thinking, isolate it for analysis under a microscope and discipline it. Don't think that the program is about real conspiracists (the plotters, the shadow directors of coups, counter-revolutions, economic assassinations, invented crises and programmed wars). No. It is, in fact, about conspiracy theorists, that is, those who try, more or less effectively, to expose conspiracies, things that have generated all the secret services of the world and history. This is the new STASI. In the former Democratic Germany (GDR), there was one informer for every 82 citizens. In the past, the old KGB urged children to denounce their parents for conspiring against the socialist order and denialism. The Chinese Communist Party did the same during Mao Tze Dun's time, and the communist Securitate in Romania did the same. It is therefore of paramount importance to urgently restore the right to free speech. What we Europeans from the former Soviet bloc missed most in communist totalitarianism was freedom of expression itself. It seems that Western Europeans, who have not had this experience, do not see at all the mortal danger of the suppression of freedom of expression. (...) The height of irony is that this anti-conspiracy thinking compass is consistently financed by the German state. The model could be extended to the entire EU. In fact, the EU is now full of compasses - one for competitiveness, one against conspiracy thinking, one for climate change, one for war. And it throws billions of euros at the guardians and judges of truth, called fact checkers or whistleblowers".
• Gheorghe Piperea: "The family, torpedoed by the new STASI"
Mr. Piperea points out that the new program in Germany targets ordinary people who, at home or in conversations with their family, relatives and neighbors, are "victims" of conspiracy theories and cannot defend themselves. The ECR MEP states that the German plan is aimed at people who, under the impact of the vile conspiracy theory, no longer know what their real needs are or the solutions to these needs. According to Mr. Piperea, the plan stipulates that the first meeting with the healing authorities that the individual persecuted by conspiracists at home and subject to the danger of having too strong emotional ties with the family will have will be an initial anonymous consultation, where an assessment of individual needs will be made. If the need for counseling is long-term (i.e., the persecuted person cannot free himself from the conspiracy yoke too quickly), then a local counseling center will be called upon, where the advice will be confidential.
Gheorghe Piperea states: "Therefore, people are infantilized and debilitated from the start, because they no longer even know what their individual needs are and are no longer able to discern between truth and conspiracy theory. In order to escape from the assault of the family and the yoke of conspiracy theory, the individual must go to counseling and therapy. As an intermediate note, let us ask ourselves what independent science means today... When science is sponsored by corporations, and theories and scientific finding applications are 100% in line with what the financier wants, let's talk about science? Is there still a free media when the European Commission is paying the press 132 million euros, on the occasion of the June 7-9 elections, with the aim of giving positive news about the establishment and negative news or censorship about opponents? What trust in institutions can be imagined when official lies have been made in all the overlapping and interconnected crises of the last 5 years and, under this pretext, almost all resources have been thrown into the black hole of finance, tech, pharma and, more recently, military corporations?"
Gheorghe Piperea claims that the "new STASI" torpedoes the foundation of the individual's personality, that is, the education and emotional support of the family - the family being a fundamental value of the European legal construction, but which becomes, according to the authorities in Berlin, a risk for the immaculate soul of the one who believes only in independent science, liberal mass media and "democratic" institutions.
• Who is competent to establish what is true or false?
In this context, Mr. Piperea states that it must be clarified who has the competence to establish the truth.
Gheorghe Piperea specifies: "In justice, this competence belongs to the judge, who uses evidence and the right of defense to establish the judicial truth. His decisions are subject to appeal and public scrutiny. There is, therefore, a responsibility. In contrast, the system proposed by any totalitarianism is based on anonymous fact-checkers and whistleblowers who are immune to liability. A "truth" established under such conditions is far from the truth, being prey to all the risks of errors, mistakes and illusions. In other words, in consumer protection legislation, the intentional misleading of consumers (misinformation) and the intentional concealment of crucial information for the consumer (lack of information, of information) are unfair commercial practices of traders, traps into which almost any consumer falls, and these practices are severely sanctioned. However, nowadays, this consumer protection mechanism is almost forgotten, as the authorities focus on the totalitarian obsession with conspiracy theories. Along with the terms used in consumer legislation - misinformation and lack of information, a downright Orwellian term has appeared. I am referring to malinformation - it is when the "conspiracy theorist" tells the truth, but the truth should not be told, as it could do harm. Instead of the truth, the "noble lie" (a term used as such by Emmanuel Macron) must be told, because only this would do good... The former President of the European Commission before Ursula von der Leyen, I mean J. P. Juncker, literally said: "when things get serious, you have to lie to them."
The MEP from the ECR and AUR states that in this way citizens were accidentally delivered "noble lies" during the Covid-19 pandemic, then regarding climate change, and now regarding the war in Ukraine, and shows that this behavior at the European level is much older, from the time when "the EU bureaucracy decided to save systemic banks, at the cost of the bankruptcy of the population and the EU member states", a fact achieved because the European institutions in Brussels have accelerated the concentration of power and competences, which they have taken away from the member states, in violation of the principle of subsidiarity and the principle of decisions taken as close as possible to the citizens.
To achieve this, the EU has over-regulated digital services, which has led to incredible administrative and bureaucratic burdens and highways of "opportunities" for abuse and perversion of the spirit of the laws in a state of law, Gheorghe Piperea also shows, who states:
"Designed to protect consumers of digital services and combat unfair or monopolistic/cartel competition, the Digital Services Act (DSA) was perverted from the start by designating 7 so-called gatekeepers (Meta, Microsoft, Alphabet, Apple, Amazon, and Byte Dance) who were obliged to censor content, opinion and information in the online space. The DSA has also consolidated the miserable industry of fact checking and whistleblowing, empowering anonymous individuals, completely unqualified to tell the "truth", immune to liability and protected from any objection in the courts."
The MEP from the CCR concludes by saying that the EU has conceded the truth to some totalitarian agents, who have destroyed free access to information and freedom of expression and opinion in the name of goals set by officials and elites not elected by anyone to represent us and do us good.
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