Debates on the future UN treaty to combat cyber-crime

Debates on the future UN treaty to combat cyber-crime

GEORGE MARINESCUEnglish Section / 21 august 2023

The ad-hoc Committee for the elaboration of a comprehensive international convention on combating the use of information and communication technologies for criminal purposes, within the UN, starts today, in New York, a new round of debates and...

Festival de film documentar despre mediu

CULTURĂFestival de film documentar despre mediu

O.D.Ziarul BURSA #Cultură / 14 octombrie 2021

Pandemia a impus sistemul hibrid în educaţie, conferinţe publice şi festivaluri culturale. Festivalul Internaţional de Film Pelicam, începe mâine, urmând să se desfăşoare până pe 24 octombrie, în format hibrid, cu pelicule difuzate gratuit online...

The Romanian Television scandal, far from over

The Romanian Television scandal, far from over

MediaSind (TRANSLATED BY COSMIN GHIDOVEAEnglish Section / 5 ianuarie 2021

MediaSind Romanian Union of Journalists, together with its subsidiary MediaSind TVR, in agreement with resolutions voted by the MediaSind Romanian Union of Journalists and its affiliated members in the General Shareholder Meetings, have...

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