Greeks of Olympus Dairy want to be acknowledged as strategic shareholders of Prodlacta

Ovidiu VRÂNCEANU (Translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 20 aprilie 2011

The company Olympus Dairy Industry of Baraolt, part of the Greek group Tyras, wants to be acknowledged as a strategic investor in Braşov-based Prodlacta, according to a report of the company sent to the Bucharest Stock Exchange. The Greek company claims it has the necessary financial resources "to help Prodlacta successfully weather the period of economic recession and to successfully keep its market position, by adopting the strategic operational plans which Olympus will forward to the company". In fact, the Greeks last year proposed the increase of the share capital of Prodlacta by 25.5 million lei, of which six million lei would be the contribution of the company, in order to help make the company of Braşov profitable. The proposal of the Greek shareholder was rejected by the others, who also rejected the other proposal of Olympus, to revoke the current Board of Directors of Prodlacta.

The Greeks, who hold 23.45% of Prodlacta, also wish to elect a new Board of Directors of the company using the cumulative vote method.

"Prodlacta" is controlled by its Employee Association, which holds 41.75% of the shares, while another important shareholder of the company is the AVAS (Authority for State Assets Recovery) which holds 18.14%.

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