InBev Set To Replace Anheuser-Busch Board

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 8 iulie 2008

Belgian brewer InBev is planning to replace the current board of Anheuser-Busch Cos Inc. - USA to ensure the success of a 46.3 billion USD acquisition offer made to the largest brewer in the U.S.. Yesterday, InBev was supposed to present the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission with a request for preliminary consent to ask Anheuser shareholders to vote for the removal and replacement of each member of the Anheuser-Busch Board. The Belgians proposed a new Board and said they wanted to give shareholders the opportunity to have a direct say on the acquisition of Anheuser Busch by the world"s second largest brewer in terms of volume. InBev"s offer of 11 June is 65 USD (41.6 EUR) per share. Anheuser Busch declined.

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