Nokia Q1 2007 Profit Down 6%

Nokia Press Release
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 20 aprilie 2007

Nokia"s net sales increased 4% to EUR 9 856 million (EUR 9 507 million). Net sales of Mobile Phones decreased by 5% to EUR 5 583 million (EUR 5 869 million). Net sales of Multimedia increased by 28% to EUR 2 252 million (EUR 1 758 million). Net sales of Enterprise Solutions increased by 75% to EUR 326 million (EUR 186 million). Net sales of Networks remained at the same level, EUR 1 697 million (EUR 1 699 million).

Operating profit decreased by 7% to EUR 1 272 million (EUR 1 367 million), representing an operating margin of 12.9% (14.4%). Operating profit in Mobile Phones decreased 14% to EUR 936 million (EUR 1 085 million), representing an operating margin of 16.8% (18.5%). Operating profit in Multimedia increased by 31% to EUR 424 million (EUR 323 million), representing an operating margin of 18.8% (18.4%). Enterprise Solutions reported an operating loss of EUR 38 million (operating loss of EUR 66 million). Operating profit in

Networks decreased 48% to EUR 78 million (EUR 149 million), representing an operating margin of 4.6% (8.8%). Common Group expenses totaled EUR 128 million (EUR 124 million).

Financial income was EUR 48 million (EUR 74 million). Profit before tax and minority interests was EUR 1 325 million (EUR 1 445 million). Net profit totaled EUR 979 million (EUR 1 048 million). Earnings per share was EUR 0.25 (basic) and EUR 0.25 (diluted), compared to EUR 0.25 (basic) and EUR 0.25 (diluted) in the first quarter 2006.

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