Professor Voiculescu summoned for lessons at the DNA

Octavian Dan (Translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 30 iulie 2013

Professor Voiculescu summoned for lessons at the DNA

The founder of the Conservative Party, Dan Voiculescu, will be indicted for complicity to blackmail in the case in which also being investigated are the general manager of Antena TV Group, Sorin Alexandrescu, as well as Camelia Voiculescu and the former head of the ANAF, Şerban Pop. All throughout yesterday, Dan Voiculescu posted several messages on his personal blog, as well as made statements on entering and leaving the building of the National Anti-corruption Department (DNA), where he criticized the reporters who were too insistent on asking certain questions.

Shortly after he left the headquarters of the DNA, Dan Voiculescu said: "I've been told that I allegedly am an accomplice. I must have been, if they say so. I've got nothing to do with this case, in any way, so things are a little complicated. My opinion is the following: this is an attempt to intimidate the press, an attempt which has been long sought after. We are not even dealing with a blackmail. This is a trade conflict between Antena Group and RCS, a conflict which has been going on for six years, and which has no criminal implications whatsoever. The attempt to intimidate the Antena TV station has no merit. Antena does have a problem, it is independent. It annoys its competition, as well as politicians. Over there, at Antena, there are some people of undeniable moral and professional integrity". Dan Voiculescu met with the prosecutors accompanied by his lawyers Sergiu Andon and Gheorghiţă Mateuţ. The level of tension was visible by an apparently banal fact: the former senator showed up before journalists wearing a pair of sunglasses, which had lost one of its lenses. Upon entering the building of the National Anti-Corruption Department, Dan Voiculescu insisted on sending a message to the president: "I am extremely serious when I am telling Băsescu Traian that our political rivalry, which is well known and has been going on for years, should not affect fundamental values of the Romanian society, such as family, and especially freedom of expression, for which people died in December. This is the very serious and painful part".

The prosecutors have expressed their point of view in the press release which announces the beginning of the prosecution against the founder of the Conservative Party: "The prosecutors of the National Anticorruption Department have decided to extend the investigation and to begin the prosecution of Voiculescu Dan who is being charged with complicity to blackmail. Essentially, from the ordinance to extend the investigations and to begin prosecution drafted by prosecutors the following conclusions have arisen: between April 16th and May 24th 2013, the defendant Alexandrescu George Sorin, general manager of Antena TV Group, allegedly forced the manager of RCS&RDS Ioan Bendei to sign a contract with the terms that the former wanted already filled in, threatening Bendei that if he refused, supposedly compromising facts would be revealed about him, through the publication of a journalistic investigation. (...) The evidence produced so far has shown the involvement of defendant Voiculescu Dan in the activities conducted by defendant Alexandrescu George Sorin. Specifically, Dan Voiculescu was kept informed by the defendant, as well as by his daughter, Voiculescu Camelia, about every action taken towards the signing of the aforementioned contract. Also, Voiculescu Dan told Alexandrescu George Sorin that the compromising materials should be disseminated using other media avenues and advised him to be cautious in the meetings and the talks with the aggrieved party".

The National Anti-Corruption Department announced on July 25th, that SC Antena 3 SA is the object of a criminal prosecution for complicity to blackmail, in the case in which Sorin Alexandrescu, Camelia Voiculescu, George Matiescu, SC Antena TV Group and SC Intact Publishing SRL are being investigated .

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