The National Energy Company will be disbanded

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 16 ianuarie 2009

The current leaders of the Ministry of the Economy, of the PDL party, have decided to disband the National Energy Company (CEN), through another emergency decree, just as it was created at the time by the former leadership of the PNL party and by AVAS. The new state secretary in the Ministry of the Economy, Tudor Şerban, stated yesterday, as quoted by NewsIn: "We do not approve the creation of the National Energy Company". The news took the supporters of the National Energy Company by surprise and made the project"s opponents rejoice. The leaders of the Union Federation "Universe Energy of the IIIrd Millennium" declined to comment on the statements of Tudor Şerban until the official reasons for the dissolution of the NEC are known. Unionists of the "Univers" federation supported the creation of the company in order to keep the transparency of energy transactions and to help increase investments in the energy sector.

In turn, the unionists of Hidrosind, the union of Hidroelectrica are happy with the current government"s decision to disband the NEC. Ilie Roşu, the president of Hidrosind, has stated: "We are very happy with the intention of the current Government. Before the electoral campaign, PSD and PDL, the parties that are currently in the government, were all up in arms and said they would themselves challenge the creation of the NEC in court. But that hasn"t happened".

Hidrosind intends to request a meeting with the new leaders of the Ministry of the Economy to find out more about the strategy for the reorganization and development of Hidroelectrica.
