UNSAR: Subscribed premiums fell 8.7% in Q1 2011

Elena Voinea (Translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 17 august 2011

The 23 companies which are the members of the UNSAR (National Union of Romanian Insurance and Reinsurance Companies) reported total subscribed premiums of about 3.3 billion lei, down 8.7% (in nominal terms), compared to the same period of 2011, according to a press release by the UNSAR.

General insurance policies fell 12% Y/Y in H1 2011. Claims paid out by insurers on this particular line of policies amounted to 1.8 billion lei in the first six months of 2011, supplemented by the approved claims reserve of about 1.4 billion lei.

Whereas general insurance policies have continued their decline that began in 2009, life insurance policies have retained their slightly upwards trend recorded in 2009-2010. In the first half of 2011, the members of the UNSAR saw their subscribed premiums increase more than 5.2% over H1 2010, to 732 million lei.

Out of the total subscribed premiums, traditional life insurance policies (with a guaranteed return) account for 58%, whereas "unit linked" policies (with an investment component) account for 42%.

