Warning about the traps related to attractive online job offers

English Section / 16 decembrie 2024

Warning about the traps related to attractive online job offers

Versiunea în limba română

The traps of the online environment are becoming more and more dangerous. The National Directorate of Cyber Security warns about SMS messages or messages received on various messaging applications (Whatsapp) that offer "online jobs" with the aim of collecting sensitive data from users. According to DNSC: "In recent days, many Romanians, both from the country and abroad, have reported receiving SMS messages or messages on various messaging applications (WhatsApp) from so-called representatives of the human resources departments of some companies. These messages promise online jobs paid with attractive amounts of money." Specialists mention that these fraud attempts can be recognized as a result of the fact that the messages come from unknown numbers, sometimes from other countries, start with "Hello, I am a recruiter manager from X company" and provide vague details about "employment opportunities", encouraging people to contact the respective numbers. Cybersecurity specialists recommend never providing sensitive data (personal, authentication, or bank card data), even if they appear to come from trusted institutions, always verify the authenticity of messages from an authority or institution, through a separate communication channel, especially if sensitive data is requested, and report such messages to the organization whose identity was stolen in order to draw attention as quickly as possible to the new scenarios used by attackers in such fraudulent initiatives. If card details have been provided, DNSC representatives advise that the bank be notified immediately, and if a user has been tricked, to file a complaint with the Police and notify DNSC.

