DNSC warns of online shopping pitfalls

DNSC warns of online shopping pitfalls

O.D.English Section / 4 decembrie 2024

The National Cyber Security Directorate (DNSC) warns of the dangers in the context of the increase in online transactions during the holidays, when attackers exploit the hunting for promotions, online contests, gift purchases, hotel reservations...

Photo source: facebook / Directoratul Naţional de Securitate Cibernetică - DNSC

Warning: Mail identity used by cybercriminals

O.D.English Section / 6 august 2024

In the virtual environment, most gifts that appear out of nowhere contain unpleasant surprises. The National Directorate of Cyber Security (DNSC) warned that, during this period, numerous reports were analyzed regarding the use of the identity of...

Sezonul de vară vine cu noi tipuri de fraude online

Sezonul de vară vine cu noi tipuri de fraude online

SABIN S. BRANDIBURUMiscellanea / 11 iunie 2024

Sezonul de vară atrage după sine noi tipuri de fraude online, precum frauda cu bilete pentru festivaluri şi fraudele care impersonează site-uri de rezervări online pentru hoteluri şi unităţi de cazare, afirmă Alin Becheanu, Head of Fraud...

Cybercriminals use classic methods

Cybercriminals use classic methods

O.D.English Section / 23 aprilie 2024

Cybercriminals use classic methods to successfully convince potential victims. The fraudulent campaign of phone calls in which the attackers present themselves as employees of the National Cyber Security Directorate (DNSC) continues, warn the...

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