Students demand clarification from government

Students demand clarification from government

O.D.English Section / 9 ianuarie

Representatives of the National Alliance of Student Organizations of Romania (ANOSR) have requested clarification from the Ministry of Transport and the Authority for Railway Reform regarding the recent limitations on discounts for students on...

DNSC warns of online shopping pitfalls

DNSC warns of online shopping pitfalls

O.D.English Section / 4 decembrie 2024

The National Cyber Security Directorate (DNSC) warns of the dangers in the context of the increase in online transactions during the holidays, when attackers exploit the hunting for promotions, online contests, gift purchases, hotel reservations...

Paysera lansează o soluţie de procesare a plăţilor

Paysera lansează o soluţie de procesare a plăţilor

A.B.Companii / 27 noiembrie 2024

Paysera lansează o soluţie completă, care integrează procesarea prin card bancar şi serviciul de iniţiere plăţi într-o singură platformă, potrivit unui comunicat remis redacţiei. Comerţul online românesc a atins anul trecut valoarea de 10,6...

Photo source: facebook / Paris 2024 mare

JO: "Paris" broke the record of sold tickets

O.D.English Section / 8 august 2024

The public's interest in the Olympic Games in Paris is obvious and now it is proven with concrete data. The organizers of the Paris Olympic Games sold more than 9.4 million tickets four days before the closing ceremony, and this is already a...

Tarom - infusions with state aid, zero efficiency

Tarom - infusions with state aid, zero efficiency

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 9 iulie 2024

The Tarom company, which in recent years has benefited from several state aids, most recently - in the amount of 100 million euros (but of which 49.5 million euros was paid to the company in 2020 as a loan) - received on past, presented yesterday...

Illustration by MAKE

Europe's air traffic nightmare

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 2 iulie 2024

Air transport seems to face serious problems every summer season. The large number of flights scheduled during the summer, the lack of available slots and the unfavorable weather conditions caused by climate change lead to the cancellation or...

The National Theater is "moving" to the roof

The National Theater is "moving" to the roof

O.D.English Section / 27 iunie 2024

Cultural events have more opportunities in the summer, when they can take place in unconventional spaces. A series of theater and dance performances, concerts, films and meetings with artists will be included in the program of the TNB Summer...

Bucharest, once again, the capital of world chess

Bucharest, once again, the capital of world chess

O.D.English Section / 26 iunie 2024

The opening ceremony of the Superbet Chess Classic Romania 2024, the second stage of the international Grand Chess Tour (GCT), took place yesterday in the Capital. The ceremony was attended by the 10 Grandmasters, the players of this local stage,...

Photo source: facebook / ffeRomania

The capital hosts the European Film Festival

O.D.English Section / 26 aprilie 2024

Movie lovers have a new reason to rejoice. The 28th edition of the European Film Festival (FFE) will debut in Bucharest on Europe Day, on May 9, and will end in Chisinau on June 8, during the weekend of the European Parliament elections, the...

Labor Day, celebrated at the National Theatre

Labor Day, celebrated at the National Theatre

O.D.English Section / 19 aprilie 2024

The actors of the National Theater celebrate May 1st... through work. The "I.L. Caragiale" National Theater in Bucharest has prepared a special program for the holiday of May 1 and 2, with eight different shows, for all tastes, dedicated...

Photo source: frf.ro

Romania - Colombia, the match of great memories

O.D.English Section / 26 martie 2024

The national team will play a gala friendly against Colombia this evening in Madrid. The South American team is in sensational form, they haven't lost more than 20 matches, but the tricolors aren't bad either, they have 12 games without...

Musical events, "complicated" by medical issues

Musical events, "complicated" by medical issues

O.D.English Section / 21 februarie 2024

Classical music lovers must be patient, after the main events of the beginning of the year have been postponed. The concerts in Cluj-Napoca and Bucharest by tenor Placido Domingo, scheduled to take place on February 23 and 26, will be...

The Luck of the Unlucky

Dan NicolaieEnglish Section / 10 ianuarie 2024

Dan Nicolaie

The combination of luck and ambition is lethal. I faced it. Rarely, although it's not nice to count certain things. Yes, I know, talking about luck and ambition in the same decade is an event. Let's recount the confrontation. On New...

Olympic Games: Ticket Prices Cause Dissatisfaction

Olympic Games: Ticket Prices Cause Dissatisfaction

O.D.English Section / 20 decembrie 2023

The ticket prices for events at next year's Olympic Games are causing dissatisfaction. There is concern that due to this and the restrictions imposed by the ongoing conflicts, athletic competitions may take place in an undesirable anonymity....

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