Natural phenomena cancel hundreds of flights

Natural phenomena cancel hundreds of flights

O.D.English Section / 19 august 2024

Airplane traffic is once again disrupted by natural phenomena. Mount Etna has erupted, causing the closure of the airport in Catania, on the eastern coast of Sicily, the Italian Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV) reported, informs...

Science: Images Obtained through "Brain Decoding"

Science: Images Obtained through "Brain Decoding"

O.D.English Section / 19 decembrie 2023

Artificial Intelligence continues to amaze, even as its use becomes increasingly widespread. Japanese scientists have achieved a groundbreaking feat by creating mental images of objects and landscapes generated by human brain activity using...

Samsung lansează un telefon "militar"

O.D.Companii / 22 mai 2020

Marii producători de telefoane inteligente au început să conceapă terminale pentru anumite nişe de public. Samsung a anunţat o nouă versiune a flagship-ului lansat la în februarie, Galaxy S20 Tactical Edition, care ar fi, conform producătorului,...

MH 17 - Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur

MH 17 - Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur

MARIAN DINU (Translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 21 iulie 2014

The tragedy occurred on July 17th, 2014. Now, there are attempts to find the authors behind the act, the ones who fired that missile, the data is being analyzed to find out where it has been launched from, international investigations are being...

A murit celebrul actor Leslie Nielsen

F.A.Miscellanea / 29 noiembrie 2010

Actorul canadian de comedie Leslie Nielsen a decedat duminică la vârsta de 84 de ani. Potrivit agentului sau John S. Kelly, Nielsen a murit într-un spital din apropierea locuinţei sale, din Fort Lauderdale, unde era tratat de pneumonie, scrie...

Equipping the army gets put off every year...indefinitely

Alina Toma Vereha (Tradus de Cosmin Ghidoveanu)English Section / 19 septembrie 2009

Romania has had a plan for equipping its army for a few years now. Said plan is still waiting for the approval of the Supreme Council of Defense (CSAT). A first estimate puts the cost of the plan at 12 - 13 billion Euros. Every year the plan is...

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