France - climate change adaptation plan

France - climate change adaptation plan

O.D.English Section / 12 martie

The French government has launched its third national climate change adaptation plan, a long-awaited project that has already been considered insufficient by certain experts and environmental organizations. The document aims to prepare France for...

Devastating floods in Argentina: deaths and missing

Devastating floods in Argentina: deaths and missing

O.D.English Section / 11 martie

Argentina is facing devastating floods. At least 16 people have died and dozens are missing in the port city of Bahia Blanca, Argentina, after a violent storm caused massive flooding, authorities said. President Javier Milia declared three days...

Missed target in the "battle" with global warming

Missed target in the "battle" with global warming

O.D.English Section / 22 ianuarie

The missing of some climate change targets is confirmed by several institutions. Global average temperatures have exceeded the internationally agreed 1.5 degrees Celsius target in the past two years, an EU monitor said, with the Earth recording...

Cities must adapt to climate change

Cities must adapt to climate change

O.D.English Section / 21 ianuarie

Major disasters are wake-up calls from which people must draw the right conclusions. The fires in the US are a wake-up call related to the structure of large cities and climate change. The catastrophic fires in Los Angeles, exacerbated by the...

2024, the warmest year on record

2024, the warmest year on record

O.D.English Section / 10 decembrie 2024

What was expected, according to forecasts, will be officially recorded. 2024 will be the warmest year on record, and extraordinarily high temperatures are expected to persist at least into the first months of 2025, European Union scientists said...

Climate refugees - a growing global crisis

Climate refugees - a growing global crisis

O.D.English Section / 14 noiembrie 2024

Climate-driven migration is a major concern for governments around the world. The global climate crisis is no longer a distant future, but a present reality. Every year, millions of people are forced to flee their homes due to natural disasters...

The 21st century brings with it a series of complex and interconnected challenges that feed humanity's fears. Climate change, technological progress, geopolitical tensions, pandemics, inequality and the erosion of democracy are just a few of the major concerns shaping our collective future.

The greatest fears of the 21st century

Octavian DanEnglish Section / 29 august 2024

The first quarter of the 21st century brought great transformations and challenges for humanity. Rapid technological progress, climate change, geopolitical tensions, and social and cultural revolutions have created a context in which collective...

Forest fires an ongoing global crisis

Forest fires an ongoing global crisis

Octavian DanEnglish Section / 22 august 2024

Fires have ravaged vast territories across the globe this year. These fires, fueled by extreme weather conditions and climate change, have caused massive damage and triggered national and international emergency responses. This summer Canada is...

Climate change is imposing a new normal

Climate change is imposing a new normal

Octavian DanEnglish Section / 19 august 2024

Our country has faced a new wave of heat waves in recent days. This is the first red heat code (the tenth this summer) ever issued in August in Romania, the director of the National Meteorological Administration, Elena Mateescu, said. Entire...

UN: People, the main "danger" for the planet

UN: People, the main "danger" for the planet

O.D.English Section / 7 iunie 2024

Greed, bad decisions, wrong experiments have caused immense damage to nature. Humans, guilty of climate warming, represent the same "danger" for our planet as "the meteorite that exterminated the dinosaurs", declared the UN...

Heat wave in several areas of the globe

Heat wave in several areas of the globe

O.D.English Section / 29 mai 2024

The world is preparing for a summer with record temperatures. Signals are clear and coming from multiple areas. Finland recorded an unusually warm month, with temperatures exceeding 25 degrees Celsius, a record for this country, the Finnish...

Dezastre naturale - record nedorit

Dezastre naturale - record nedorit

O.D.Ziarul BURSA #Miscellanea / 10 mai 2024

Schimbările climatice aduc după ele şi un alai cu dezastrele naturale. Furtunile violente sunt tot mai prezente, existând zone ale globului care sunt tot mai afectate de acestea. Fenomenul El Nino şi schimbările climatice cauzate de activităţile...

Natural disasters - unwanted record

Natural disasters - unwanted record

O.D.English Section / 10 mai 2024

Climate change also brings with it a procession of natural disasters. Violent storms are more and more present, there are areas of the globe that are more and more affected by them. The El Nino phenomenon and climate change caused by human...

Heat wave which occurs "once in 200 years"

Heat wave which occurs "once in 200 years"

O.D.English Section / 22 aprilie 2024

April started with unbearable temperatures in certain regions of the world. According to a study, the unbearable heat wave that hit the Sahel region at the beginning of April is linked to "anthropogenic" climate change, scientists from...

Fire season has begun in the Southern Hemisphere

Fire season has begun in the Southern Hemisphere

O.D.English Section / 26 februarie 2024

Year after year, vast regions of the entire surface of the earth are devastated by fires. Despite safety measures, these disasters cannot be stopped. More than 2,000 people were ordered to evacuate last week from towns in the Australian state of...

Record de catastrofe naturale

Record de catastrofe naturale

O.D.Ziarul BURSA #Miscellanea / 26 ianuarie 2024

Fenomenele meteo extreme sunt tot mai prezente pe toată suprafaţa globului. Există şi regiuni unde sunt depăşite aşteptările negative. Brazilia a înregistrat pentru prima dată în 2023 peste 1.000 de dezastre naturale, respectiv o medie de peste...

Record of natural disasters

Record of natural disasters

O.D.English Section / 26 ianuarie 2024

Extreme weather phenomena are increasingly present all over the globe. There are also regions where negative expectations are exceeded. Brazil recorded for the first time in 2023 more than 1,000 natural disasters, respectively an average of more...

Copernicus: 2023, the Hottest Year

Copernicus: 2023, the Hottest Year

O.D.English Section / 11 ianuarie 2024

Meteorological records fell one after another throughout 2023, and Europe was no exception. Last year was the hottest in the history of meteorological recordings, with a "remarkable" advancement, probably the warmest in the last 100,000...

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Franc elveţian (CHF)Franc elveţian5.2112
Liră sterlină (GBP)Liră sterlină5.9532
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