CĂUTARE (1005)

India leads global IPOs in 2024, US in proceeds

India leads global IPOs in 2024, US in proceeds

A.V.English Section / 20 februarie

Global initial public offering (IPO) markets remained relatively healthy in 2024 despite economic uncertainties and geopolitical challenges, according to a visualcapitalist.com analysis, which notes that overall positive investor sentiment was...

Foto: Bogdan Maioreanu, eToro

Pieţele bursiere între optimism şi prudenţă

A.D.Piaţa de Capital / 27 ianuarie

Pieţele financiare americane reflectă un contrast între optimismul investitorilor individuali şi prudenţa celor instituţionali, pe fondul performanţelor bursiere solide şi al creşterii randamentelor obligaţiunilor Trezoreriei SUA, estimează...

Photo source: X/ Elon Musk.jpg

US administration, taken over by businessmen

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 21 ianuarie

President Donald Trump's executive is the richest in US history, with the assets of its members worth a total of almost $500 billion, a staggering amount that far exceeds the GDP of countries such as Greece ($238 billion) or Hungary ($212...

2024 - a remarkable year for Bitcoin and gold

2024 - a remarkable year for Bitcoin and gold

A.V.English Section / 16 ianuarie

For several asset classes, 2024 was a remarkable year: Bitcoin rose to historical highs, gold recorded its best performance in the last 14 years, and the US dollar rose due to the evolution of the US economy, according to an analysis by...

eToro: Investitorii, prudenţi la începutul lui 2025

eToro: Investitorii, prudenţi la începutul lui 2025

A.B.Miscellanea / 9 ianuarie

Dacă ne uităm la primul trimestru al anului 2025, agenda de evenimente pare a fi una standard, cu Forumul Economic Mondial şi raportările financiare ale companiilor, ca în oricare an, se arată în comentariul lui Bogdan Maioreanu, analist eToro....

How political instability influenced BVB stocks

How political instability influenced BVB stocks

Andrei IacomiEnglish Section / 9 ianuarie

The indices of the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB) had an evolution marked by two distinct phases last year when, after a strong increase until the summer, the electoral period and the situation arising from the parliamentary and presidential...

ChatGPT Enters Search Engines

ChatGPT Enters Search Engines

O.D.English Section / 18 decembrie 2024

The competition in the technology sector is fierce, with each company trying to carve out as big a slice of the market as possible. ChatGPT, the most well-known generative artificial intelligence (AI) platform, can be used as a free search...

US asset market by size

US asset market dominated by stocks

V.R.English Section / 17 decembrie 2024

Asset valuations across the US economy remain elevated, fueled by investor optimism as the Federal Reserve (Fed) begins its easing cycle, according to an analysis by visualcapitalist.com.

US stock market beats expectations; what's next?

US stock market beats expectations; what's next?

Andrei Iacomi English Section / 10 decembrie 2024

The S&P 500 is up about 27% this year, slightly above its 24% gain in 2023, and if the year were to end at this point, it would be the best performance of the main U.S. stock market basket since 2019, an evolution that was not anticipated by...

PSD puts an end to collaboration with Damen in Mangalia

PSD puts an end to collaboration with Damen in Mangalia

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 2 decembrie 2024

Last week, representatives of the Romanian state initialed the stake that Liviu Dragnea and the PSD gave to the Dutch at Damen Holding BV in 2018, when they took the money for 49% of the shares of the DMHI Mangalia Shipyard and kept 51% of the...

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Curs valutar BNR

21 Feb. 2025
Euro (EUR)Euro4.9773
Dolar SUA (USD)Dolar SUA4.7543
Franc elveţian (CHF)Franc elveţian5.2911
Liră sterlină (GBP)Liră sterlină6.0152
Gram de aur (XAU)Gram de aur447.9253

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