Pollution, restriction of vehicle use

Pollution, restriction of vehicle use

O.D.English Section / 8 noiembrie 2023

Pollution has reached alarming levels in certain cities. Exceptional situations require exceptional measures. The city of New Delhi will restrict the use of vehicles next week to limit the increase in pollution in the capital, as air quality...

China a intrat "în anotimpul" poluării

China a intrat "în anotimpul" poluării

O.D.Ziarul BURSA #Miscellanea / 3 noiembrie 2023

Asia este cel mai poluat continent. Industrializarea scăpată de sub control a dus la această stare de fapt. Un nivel ridicat de poluare ar trebui să persiste la Beijing şi în regiunile învecinate până la jumătatea lunii noiembrie, au anunţat...

China enters the "season" of pollution

China enters the "season" of pollution

O.D.English Section / 3 noiembrie 2023

Asia is the most polluted continent, and uncontrolled industrialization is to blame for this situation. A high level of pollution is expected to persist in Beijing and the surrounding regions until mid-November, as announced by state media...

Remote work aimed at combating pollution

Remote work aimed at combating pollution

O.D.English Section / 23 august 2023

Remote work has multiple "benefits." This is not supported just by employees, but especially by employers. While during the pandemic it helped curb the spread of the coronavirus, now in Asia, remote work is aimed at combating pollution....

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