CĂUTARE (1824)

low cost
Student feedback, a right that is rarely exercised

Student feedback, a right that is rarely exercised

O.D.English Section / 26 martie

A study conducted by Save the Children Romania shows that over half of Romanian students do not provide feedback to teachers, although this is provided for in the Student Statute. The main reasons are the lack of confidence that their opinion...

Confronting customs duties

Confronting customs duties

A.V.English Section / 5 martie

The new 25% tariffs imposed by US President Donald Trump on imports from Mexico and Canada took effect yesterday, along with a doubling of duties - to 20% - on Chinese products, generating new trade conflicts with the US's three largest...

Acţiunile Wizz Air au închis joi în scădere cu 4,8%

Acţiunile Wizz Air au închis joi în scădere cu 4,8%

A.F.Companii / 31 ianuarie

Compania aeriană low-cost Wizz Air şi-a revizuit în scădere estimările de profit anual, pentru a doua oară în ultimele şase luni, din cauza costurilor ridicate asociate problemelor cu motoarele GTF Pratt & Whitney şi a incertitudinilor...

Sursa foto: Unsplash

Dacia va lansa mai multe modele electrice în viitor

A.B.Companii / 16 ianuarie

Dacia, marca low-cost a grupului francez Renault, va lansa mai multe modele electrice în viitor, începând cu următorul Sandero, care va apărea undeva la finele lui 2027, a declarat directorul mărcii Denis Le Vot, transmite Reuters.

Illustration by MAKE

Romania's rating: Fitch sees us walking the wire

Andrei Iacomi English Section / 19 decembrie 2024

Fitch revised the outlook of our country's long-term foreign currency credit rating from "stable" to "negative" and maintained the rating at "BBB-", in a climate marked by political uncertainty, expectations of a more...

Photo source: https://www.facebook.com/KoreanAir.global

Korean Air Completes Acquisition of Asiana Airlines

A.V.English Section / 16 decembrie 2024

In a significant milestone for South Korea's aviation industry, Korean Air has completed its long-awaited acquisition of Asiana Airline, bringing to a close a complex transaction that began in November 2020, aviationsourcenews.com reports....

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Conferinţa BURSA “Codul Insolvenţei 2025”
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Curs valutar BNR

31 Mar. 2025
Euro (EUR)Euro4.9771
Dolar SUA (USD)Dolar SUA4.6005
Franc elveţian (CHF)Franc elveţian5.2179
Liră sterlină (GBP)Liră sterlină5.9460
Gram de aur (XAU)Gram de aur460.4406

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