Based on a well-crafted strategy aimed at artificially expanding the market, the pharma giants seem to have become experts in "disease-making" and exaggerating common symptomatology in order to turn healthy people into drug-dependent patients. , a practice whose consequences are serious for public health and for the trust that patients have in the medical system.

Artificially created diseases; examples (I)

I.Ghe.English Section / 16 septembrie

The modern pharmaceutical industry, a global market of billions of dollars, is no longer limited to treating and curing the sick. In recent years, new advertising techniques have been developed that aggressively target healthy audiences, turning...

Candidaţii minori decid soarta candidaţilor majori

Sorin Rosca StanescuPolitică / 1 septembrie

Sorin Rosca Stanescu

Cum aşa? Aparent, lansez un paradox. Dar numai aparent. Voi demonstra, în cele ce urmează, că o puzderie de candidaţi prezidenţiali, care nu au nicio şansă de a intra în cel de-al doilea tur, îi pot depuncta sau le pot aduce punctaje celor patru...

The planet, under the onslaught of fires

The planet, under the onslaught of fires

O.D.English Section / 31 iulie

Devastating fires are wreaking havoc in all corners of the planet. Greece, USA, Russia are facing large-scale fires. Greece recorded 54 wildfires in a 24-hour period, with the intervention teams managing to bring 43 of them under control....

The UN Security Council, meeting for the situation in the Middle East/14.04.2024 (Photo source: https://dam.media.un.org/)

Israel ready to retaliate, G7 and UN ask it not to

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 16 aprilie

The authorities in Israel are ready to retaliate after the air attack launched by Iran at the end of last week, they promise to retaliate at the most appropriate time, but the world's most powerful states from an economic point of view in the...

Source: ES Composite

Vladimir Putin launched the "witch hunt"

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 29 martie

Despite the accusatory statements against Ukraine after the terrorist attack at Crocus Hall a week ago, Vladimir Putin and the FSB have not yet been able to present to the world any connection between the four ISIS terrorists and the authorities...

Periculosul joc cu extrema

Cristian PîrvulescuZiarul BURSA #Editorial / 11 decembrie 2023

Cristian Pîrvulescu

Se apropie sfârşitul anului şi putem încerca deja să analizăm modul în care politicienii români cochetează cu extrema dreaptă în încercarea de a-şi consolida poziţia şi cariera. Ori, cum în anul care se încheie, mecanismul imaginat de...

AFP: ONU deplânge execuţiile din Iran

AFP: ONU deplânge execuţiile din Iran

A.F.Internaţional / 29 noiembrie 2023

Organizaţia Naţiunilor Unite a transmis, marţi, că deplânge execuţiile din Iran - un adolescent de 17 ani şi un tânăr de 22 de ani - şi a îndemnat Teheranul să înceteze imediat aplicarea pedepsei cu moartea, transmite AFP.

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Liră sterlină (GBP)Liră sterlină5.9056
Gram de aur (XAU)Gram de aur368.9924

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