UK: Bee-killing pesticides are everywhere

UK: Bee-killing pesticides are everywhere

O.D.English Section / 4 decembrie 2024

Bee-killing pesticides have been found in 85% of rivers tested in England, an analysis of UK government statistics has revealed. Environmental groups analysed Environment Agency data on neonicotinoid pesticides present in rivers tested in...

Amazonia, hit by the worst drought on record

Amazonia, hit by the worst drought on record

O.D.English Section / 19 septembrie 2024

The Amazon is suffering from drought at a time when Europe is being wracked by floods. The worst drought ever recorded in Brazil has reduced the water level of rivers in the Amazon basin to historic lows, in some cases drying up the beds of...

Torrential rain and flooding in Europe and Asia

Torrential rain and flooding in Europe and Asia

O.D.English Section / 26 iunie 2024

Rain and floods wreak havoc in Europe and Asia. Wild nature creates big problems. The search continues in Switzerland for the three people reported missing following the devastating floods that occurred in the south-east of this country, while a...

Positive balance for the year 2023 for Kuhn Romania

Positive balance for the year 2023 for Kuhn Romania

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 13 iunie 2024

The financial performance last year looks very good for the Kuhn Romania company, which recorded a turnover in 2023 of 96.1 million euros, i.e. a 75% increase compared to 2022, the year in which the company was established by taking over in...

Cleanup campaign on... Everest

Cleanup campaign on... Everest

O.D.English Section / 15 aprilie 2024

Cleanliness in the workplace is very important. For climbers this goal is more difficult to achieve, the special working conditions make most activities difficult. The Nepalese army has begun a campaign to collect tons of garbage and at least...

Drought, a helping hand for archaeologists

Drought, a helping hand for archaeologists

O.D.English Section / 24 octombrie 2023

In every adversity, there can also be a silver lining. It all depends on the perspective from which things are viewed and the ability to overcome a major setback. Extreme drought, however, provides satisfaction to some people. The water levels of...

Climate, rapid glacier melting

Climate, rapid glacier melting

O.D.English Section / 2 octombrie 2023

Bad news related to the climate is coming at an alarming rate. There isn't a week that goes by without specialists announcing another "catastrophe." Swiss glaciers have melted in the past two years as much as they did between 1960 and...

Climate Change, We've Reached the Realm of... Plans

Climate Change, We've Reached the Realm of... Plans

Octavian DanEnglish Section / 21 septembrie 2023

Humanity "feels immensely and sees monstrously" when it comes to climate change, global warming, and pollution. As with any major issue, there are two opposing camps. What's certain is that most authorities preach passionately on this...

Photo sourceŞ facebook / Compania Naţională Administraţia Canalelor Navigabile SA

River transport of goods, on the decline in our country

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 15 septembrie 2023

The river transport of goods and on the waterways connecting the Danube to the ports of Constanţa and Midia Năvodari decreased by over 20% in 2022 in our country compared to 2021, according to the report on naval transport on the inland waters of...

The planetary ocean is gradually losing its sand

The planetary ocean is gradually losing its sand

O.D.English Section / 7 septembrie 2023

Human aggression against nature is increasingly extensive and dangerous. Approximately six billion tons of marine sand and other sediments are extracted from oceans each year, according to the United Nations, warning of the serious consequences...

Photo source: festival-anonimul.ro

The Anonymous trophy went to an Iranian film

O.D.English Section / 22 august 2023

The Anonymous International Film Festival officially closed its doors, not before awarding several trophies. The Iranian feature film "Terrestrial Verses", written and directed by Ali Asgari and Alireza Khatami, won the Anonymous Trophy...

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