Glacier melt leads to more storms

Glacier melt leads to more storms

O.D.English Section / 20 decembrie 2024

The domino effect is clearly visible in nature. The record-breaking Antarctic ice loss in 2023 has led to an increase in storms over the ice-free Southern Ocean, according to a study published in the journal Nature. The work by Simon Josey, of...

Natural disasters - unwanted record

Natural disasters - unwanted record

O.D.English Section / 10 mai 2024

Climate change also brings with it a procession of natural disasters. Violent storms are more and more present, there are areas of the globe that are more and more affected by them. The El Nino phenomenon and climate change caused by human...

Cu degetul de pulsul unei noi generaţii

Cu degetul de pulsul unei noi generaţii

R.S.Companii / 25 aprilie 2024

Compania inovatoare Human Mobile Devices (HMD) a dezvăluit ieri prima sa gamă de smartphone-uri sub brand propriu: HMD Pulse Pro, HMD Pulse+ şi HMD Pulse, conform unui comunicat transmis redacţiei.

Melting glaciers - new problems

Melting glaciers - new problems

O.D.English Section / 8 februarie 2024

The slow disappearance of glaciers is accompanied by a whole procession of bigger and smaller problems. The melting of the Greenland ice sheet (mainly caused by global warming) is at the origin of the rise in the ground level of the huge arctic...

Greenland Ice Sheet Lost 5,091 Square Kilometers

Greenland Ice Sheet Lost 5,091 Square Kilometers

O.D.English Section / 19 ianuarie 2024

The challenges related to climate change are increasing, and the transformations are evident. It is clear that without concrete measures, the losses will be enormous. The Greenland ice sheet lost an area of 5,091 square kilometers between 1985...

The analysis also highlights certain risks that are rarely mentioned in the context of climate discussions. One of these is the accumulation of space debris, which threatens to create chain collisions that could make Earth's orbit unusable for our satellites - many of which serve to warn us of weather disasters. (Photo source: orbitaldebris.jsc.nasa.gov/photo-gallery/)

Report: Six threats to human life

O.D.English Section / 27 octombrie 2023

Climate change is causing significant concern. The planet is genuinely threatened, say more and more people, but the statement holds more weight when it comes from experts. A new report from the Institute for Environment and Human Security at the...

Unusual: a famous mountain has become smaller

Unusual: a famous mountain has become smaller

O.D.English Section / 9 octombrie 2023

Everything changes in this world, even the unyielding mountains. Mont Blanc, the tallest mountain peak in Western Europe, was measured in September 2023 and stands at a height of 4,805.59 meters, which is 2.22 meters less than the previous...

Climate, rapid glacier melting

Climate, rapid glacier melting

O.D.English Section / 2 octombrie 2023

Bad news related to the climate is coming at an alarming rate. There isn't a week that goes by without specialists announcing another "catastrophe." Swiss glaciers have melted in the past two years as much as they did between 1960 and...

Climă: topire accelerată a gheţarilor

Climă: topire accelerată a gheţarilor

O.D.Ziarul BURSA #Miscellanea / 2 octombrie 2023

Veştile proaste legate de climă se succed cu o viteză demnă de o cauză bună. Nu este săptămână în care specialiştii să nu mai anunţe o "catastrofă". Gheţarii elveţieni s-au topit în ultimii doi ani cât între 1960 şi 1990, ca urmare a...

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