Japan Airlines
Natural phenomena cancel hundreds of flights

Natural phenomena cancel hundreds of flights

O.D.English Section / 19 august 2024

Airplane traffic is once again disrupted by natural phenomena. Mount Etna has erupted, causing the closure of the airport in Catania, on the eastern coast of Sicily, the Italian Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV) reported, informs...

Presă: Tokio se pregăteşte pentru taifunul Ampil

Presă: Tokio se pregăteşte pentru taifunul Ampil

A.F.Internaţional / 16 august 2024

Japonia a oprit la sol sute de zboruri şi a recomandat evacuarea a 10.000 de locuinţe vineri, în unele zone de lângă Tokio, după ce un taifun puternic a provocat întreruperi de curent şi este aşteptat să se îndrepte spre regiunea de est a...

President Klaus Iohannis' visit to the Senegalese Association for the Protection of Children with Mental Deficiencies (ASEDEME)

Presidential "tourism", a strictly secret affair

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 13 decembrie 2023

The trips abroad of President Klaus Iohannis are a state secret, as a result the expenses incurred during them can only be traced to the presentation of the budget execution, but even there non-specifically, not broken down, it emerges from a...

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