FIFA transfer rules in conflict with EU law

FIFA transfer rules in conflict with EU law

O.D.English Section / 7 octombrie

The powerful International Football Federation also has opponents who create problems for it. FIFA's rules on the transfer of professional players contravene the principles of free movement established by European Union (EU) law, the Court of...

Ministerul Educaţiei şi Agenţia Naţională pentru Sport au semnat protocolul de colaborare pentru implementarea Programului Naţional "Campion în şcoală". Foto: Elisabeta Lipa (stânga), preşedinta Agenţiei Naţionale pentru Sport, şi Ligia Deca (dreapta), Ministrul Educaţiei. (Sursă foto: Faccebook/ Ligia Deca)

Campionii sportului se întorc la şcoală

Octavian DanZiarul BURSA #Miscellanea / 3 octombrie

Tinerii au nevoie de exemple, iar şcoala poate oferi cadrul potrivit unde să se producă întâlnirea dintre elevi şi oameni care eu reuşit în viaţă. Ministerul Educaţiei şi Agenţia Naţională pentru Sport au semnat protocolul de colaborare pentru...

The Ministry of Education and the National Agency for Sports signed the collaboration protocol for the implementation of the National Program "Champion in School". Photo: Elisabeta Lipa (left), president of the National Sports Agency, and Ligia Deca (right), Minister of Education. (Photo source: Faccebook/ Ligia Deca)

Sports champions return to school

Octavian DanEnglish Section / 3 octombrie

Young people need examples, and the school can provide the right setting where the meeting between students and people who have succeeded in life can occur. The Ministry of Education and the National Sports Agency signed the collaboration...

Very old school teacher

Very old school teacher

Dan NicolaieEnglish Section / 24 septembrie

Dan Nicolaie

Pedagogy is constantly fouled in domestic football. When this is done by anonymous losers the explanations come easier, when it comes to former or current very good footballers with serious careers, including in western football, the excuses are...

MotoGP revine în Ungaria după 33 de ani

MotoGP revine în Ungaria după 33 de ani

S.B.Sport / 19 septembrie

MotoGP va reveni în Ungaria pentru prima dată după 1992, după ce a ajuns la un acord cu circuitul Balaton Park, care va găzdui cursa din sezonul următor, au anunţat joi organizatorii Dorna, informează news.ro.

"Hard" process for the good world of football

"Hard" process for the good world of football

O.D.English Section / 17 septembrie

The fine world of football is facing a moment that may dictate its future course of investment. The petro-dollars pumped into European football leave traces and they can create problems. Manchester City, one of the world's richest clubs, is...

n Romania, of the 1,033 drowning deaths reported in 2021, 700 were men and 333 were women.

Top tragic, drowning champions

O.D.English Section / 28 august

Our country leads a detached top...tragic. Romania is by far in first place in the European Union when it comes to drowning deaths, given that, in 2021, approximately 21% of all victims of this type of incident in the EU bloc were reported in our...

Photo source: baberuth.com

Record: Most expensive sports item sold at auction

O.D.English Section / 27 august

A jersey worn by legendary baseball player Babe Ruth has set a new record for the most expensive sports item ever sold at auction, fetching an impressive 21.3 million euros ($24.12 million). This record far surpassed the previous one, set just a...

Save the Olympics!

Save the Olympics!

DAN NICOLAIEEnglish Section / 13 august


The Olympic Games, the greatest sports competition of mankind, have ended and I hope not to see another edition like this one in Paris

Photo source: facebook / Imane Khelif

Diversity Olympics pushed to the limit

O.D.English Section / 2 august

The Olympic Games in Paris are atypical in many ways. The opening ceremony sent a strong signal in a way that isn't necessarily sports-related, and along those lines, surprising things can be discovered. In Paris, a breach was opened, related...

Fear of successful people

Fear of successful people

Dan NicolaieEnglish Section / 1 august

Dan Nicolaie

In the summer, the wise man, who does not bother to make a sledge, goes to the beach. Since I have nowhere to go with the sled, I went to the beach for a few days.

IOC President: "The moment of truth has arrived"

IOC President: "The moment of truth has arrived"

O.D.English Section / 25 iulie

Only one day separates us from the official start of the Summer Olympic Games. "The moment of truth has arrived" for the Olympic Games in Paris, whose competitions started yesterday, two days before the opening ceremony, emphasized the...

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