conflict regional
Illustration by MAKE

Trump wants to make Gaza an "American Business"

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 6 februarie

US President Donald Trump, known for his eccentric and often shocking statements, has announced a wild plan for the Gaza Strip: the United States would take over the war-torn enclave and turn it into an economic paradise. This idea not only...

Rebelii preiau controlul asupra aeroportului din Goma

Rebelii preiau controlul asupra aeroportului din Goma

A.F.Internaţional / 29 ianuarie

Rebelii au preluat, marţi, aeroportul din Goma, cel mai mare oraş din estul Congoului, ceea ce ar putea întrerupe principala rută prin care ajutoarele pot ajunge la sute de mii de persoane strămutate, după ce au cucerit oraşul în urma unei...

Let's win the election by tweaking the budget!

Let's win the election by tweaking the budget!

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 4 noiembrie 2024

The preparation of the campaigns for the presidential and parliamentary elections that will take place on November 24, respectively December 1, led the Government to increase the amount of budget expenditures in the second month of autumn in...

Israeli High-Tech: Economic growth in times of crisis

Israeli High-Tech: Economic growth in times of crisis

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 1 noiembrie 2024

In a context of extreme adversity, Israel's high-tech sector has demonstrated a remarkable capacity for resilience and growth, according to a report on the industry by https://finder.startupnationcentral.org/ and posted on editorial address...

Sursa foto: internet

Un atac israelian a ucis trei soldaţi libanezi

A.D. Miscellanea / 24 octombrie 2024

Un atac israelian a ucis astăzi trei soldaţi libanezi care evacuau persoane rănite. Incidentul a avut loc în sudul Libanului, în condiţiile în care armata libaneză nu este implicată în conflictul direct dintre Hezbollah şi Israel, relatează...

A year of war in the Middle East

A year of war in the Middle East

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 8 octombrie 2024

The Middle East has been in a fever of war for a year after Hamas terrorists decided to illegally enter Israel, kill the young, old and children and take several hundred people hostage, mostly civilians, to achieve their political goals ....

The price of oil is rising strongly

The price of oil is rising strongly

V.R.English Section / 3 octombrie 2024

Oil futures quotes rose by around 3% yesterday, on the international stock exchanges, against the backdrop of escalating tensions in the Middle East, as concerns are fueled that Iran's military attack against Israel could lead to new...

Photo source: www.csat.presidency

The Romanian army needs ammunition

I.Ghe.English Section / 20 septembrie 2024

The Romanian Army has run out of combat ammunition, following the military support given to Ukraine, according to the press release issued by the Presidential Administration following yesterday's meeting of the Supreme Council of Defense of...

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21 Feb. 2025
Euro (EUR)Euro4.9773
Dolar SUA (USD)Dolar SUA4.7543
Franc elveţian (CHF)Franc elveţian5.2911
Liră sterlină (GBP)Liră sterlină6.0152
Gram de aur (XAU)Gram de aur447.9253

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