Export of movable cultural goods, restricted

Export of movable cultural goods, restricted

O.D.English Section / 12 februarie

Restricting the duration of temporary export for a maximum period of six months of movable cultural goods, with the possibility of extending the export only once, for a period of six months, is among the main amendments to the legislation...

Eugen Sechila, wearing the Legionary Movement badge, next to CălinGeorgescu (Photo source: Facebook / Bogdan Damian)

Călin Georgescu, close to neo-legionaries

G.M.English Section / 6 decembrie 2024

New revelations question the independence and political past of Călin Georgescu, a candidate who entered the presidential final. The evidence suggests a close connection with neo-legionary groups, raising concerns about the ideological influences...

Marcel Boloş: ANAF, record receipts in July

Marcel Boloş: ANAF, record receipts in July

I.Ghe.English Section / 5 august 2024

At the end of July, ANAF exceeded the threshold of 50 billion lei in receipts from the state budget, announced on Friday, on the official Facebook page, Marcel Boloş, the Minister of Finance. According to the official, ANAF's seven-month...

To support Ukraine, Israel and to ensure the security of the American borders, President Joe Biden asked Congress in October for almost 106 billion dollars.(photo source: facebook / President Joe Biden)

A new financial aid for Ukraine

I.Ghe.English Section / 7 decembrie 2023

The financial support for Ukraine has reached the point where a popular saying says that "if it doesn't flow, it falls". Given that, according to the Reuters agency, the director of the budget of the White House, Shalanda Young,...

Rudderless in bad weather

Rudderless in bad weather

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 25 octombrie 2023

The change of government at the end of the first semester of this year apparently did not bode well for Prime Minister Ciolacu's team, which found itself with a budget deficit that is increasingly difficult to control and manage, with the...

New taxes and fees

New taxes and fees

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 17 octombrie 2023

The new school year brought us new fees and taxes in the first month of autumn, following the fiscal changes assumed in the Government Parliament to reduce the budget deficit. Threatened by the European Commission with the cut of allocations from...

Il Sfumato of the New Testament

MAKEEnglish Section / 16 aprilie 2023


Backward is Pharisaism and Saul of Tarsus, forward is the Apostle Paul and Christianity, and in the middle is Revelation, as he himself assures us; and/or the deviation from Pharisaism, incorporating Hellenism, as one might observe.

The plague of dancing

The plague of dancing

Cornel Codiţă (TRANSLATED BY COSMIN GHIDOVEANU)English Section / 9 martie 2021


Tens, hundreds, sometimes thousands of people are seized by a frenzy of dancing, without any cause or plausible motivation, a frenzy which they are unable to control and which only total physical exhaustion ends. The collective phenomenon...

Currency war against European citizens

Currency war against European citizens


European Central Bank officials recently came to the press with statements questioning the "truth value" of the declarations made by the institution's president, Christine Lagarde.

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Curs valutar BNR

21 Feb. 2025
Euro (EUR)Euro4.9773
Dolar SUA (USD)Dolar SUA4.7543
Franc elveţian (CHF)Franc elveţian5.2911
Liră sterlină (GBP)Liră sterlină6.0152
Gram de aur (XAU)Gram de aur447.9253

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