Clotilde Armand announces an administrative "mini-apocalypse" in Sector 1
O.D.English Section / 8 martie 2024
Octavian DanEnglish Section / 2 februarie 2024
Recorded by Andrei IacomiEnglish Section / 19 decembrie 2023
Reporter: What is the purpose of the campaign "Together for our school", launched by Narada?
Briana TeodorescuEnglish Section / 10 octombrie 2023
Mihai GongoroiZiarul BURSA #Piaţa de Capital / 20 octombrie 2021
Daniel Dăianu (TRANSLATED BY COSMIN GHIDOVEANU)English Section / 10 februarie 2021
MAKE (TRANSLATED BY COSMIN GHIDOVEANU)English Section / 5 ianuarie 2021
MORI SAVIREnglish Section / 4 iunie 2020
The organoizational chart of the ASF is missing from its official website.
A consemnat ADELINA TOADERZiarul BURSA #Companii / 5 mai 2020
Reporter: Cum a început NETv?
MAKE (TRANSLATED BY COSMIN GHIDOVEANU)English Section / 18 aprilie 2020
Recorded by EMILIA OLESCU(TRANSLATED BY COSMIN GHIDOVEANU)English Section / 6 februarie 2020
(• Interview with Radu Graţian Gheţea, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Libra Internet Bank and Honorary President of the Romanian Banking Association)
Recorded by MIHAI GONGOROI (Translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)Piaţa de Capital / 15 aprilie 2019
Reporter: What is the most developed financial market in the world and what are its distinctive features?
Luciana Bănică Companii / 28 noiembrie 2016
MAKE (translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 14 noiembrie 2016
EMILIA OLESCU (translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 31 martie 2016
PETRE BARAC, CRISTIAN DOGARU (translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 28 ianuarie 2016
Recorded by ANCUŢA STANCIU (translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 22 mai 2015
Reporter: What is your opinion on cyber security in Romania?
Recorded by ADINA ARDELEANU (Translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 5 decembrie 2014
Reporter: What are your expectations from the new elect president of Romania?
MAKE (Translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 3 noiembrie 2014
MAKE (Translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)English Section / 1 noiembrie 2014
Every politician has a skeleton in their closet.
MAKE (Translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 22 iulie 2014
6. The Taxes of Mediafax Group
VLAD PÎRVUZiarul BURSA #English Section / 17 aprilie 2014
Reporter: What do you view Romania like, from a political and economic point of view, when you come back?
VLAD PÎRVU, ADRIAN DRĂGHICI (Translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 11 aprilie 2014
The Bucharest Stock Exchange may miss out on the IPO of Romtelecom, even though the hopes of the telecom operator being listed on the BSE have been fueled for years.
ADINA ARDELEANU (Translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 12 decembrie 2013
MAKE (Translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 4 noiembrie 2013
VERONICA PLĂCINTESCU (Translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 30 octombrie 2013
• Update 15:00 Two more people have filed complaints
MAKE (Translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 10 iunie 2013
DIANA ENACHE (Translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 14 mai 2013
ANCUŢA STANCIU, ALEXANDRU SÂRBU (Translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 19 martie 2013
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 8 ianuarie 2013
Reporter: Mr. Young, how was, in your opinion, the year 2012, from economic and financial point of view, globally, regionally (Europe) and locally (Romania).
MAKEZiarul BURSA #English Section / 16 octombrie 2012
• It's very likely that he wasn't in Iceland (Reykjavik), but in Romania (Cluj)
MAKE (Translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 15 octombrie 2012
• It's very likely that he wasn't in Iceland (Reykjavik), but in Romania (Cluj)
Adelina Dabu (Translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 12 iulie 2012
Reporter: How would you describe the recent events occurring on Romania's political stage?
ANCUŢA STANCIU, ALEXANDRU SÂRBU (Translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 20 martie 2012
MAKE (Translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 15 martie 2012
The satisfaction that PM Mihai Răzvan Ungureanu verbally crushed Mihai Gâdea, during the interview he gave him two days ago, on Antena 3, permeates the pro-government press and the internet.
ELENA VOINEA (Translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 9 februarie 2012
Reporter: How do you view the evolution of the Romanian economy last year?
Matei Berinde
George Marinescu
Marius Mataragis
George Marinescu
![]() | 4.9774 |
![]() | 4.7667 |
![]() | 5.2900 |
![]() | 6.0274 |
![]() | 440.0993 |
convertor valutar
»=Piaţa de Capital /A.V. - 4 martie
Piaţa de Capital /A.I. - 4 martie
Piaţa de Capital /A.I. - 3 martie
Piaţa de Capital /A.V. - 28 februarie
Piaţa de Capital /A.V. - 27 februarie