"Inflation" of Poets in the Capital

"Inflation" of Poets in the Capital

O.D.English Section / 23 august 2023

For a few days, Bucharest will become the city of poets. The 13th edition of the International Poetry Festival Bucharest (FIPB) will take place from September 11th to 17th. The program includes the participation of over 170 poets from 27...

Stepping forward proudly, on the path of folk tradition

Stepping forward proudly, on the path of folk tradition

Dan Nicolaie (Translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)English Section / 24 iunie 2019

The Romanian blouse, the "Ie", the independence cry of the countryside garment, arising out of countless wars found in the room of great grandfathers, is now conquering the world. First was white, then black, and then a rainbow of colors...

Gaudeamus a atins un record de 125.000 de vizitatori

Adina LateşCultură / 23 noiembrie 2015

Ediţia 2015 a Târgului Internaţional Gaudeamus, organizat de Radio România, s-a încheiat duminică, 22 noiembrie, în prezenţa unui public încă numeros. Numărul mare de participanţi - peste 300 , de evenimente - mai mult de 700, recordul de...

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