Republic of Moldova on the brink of an energy crisis

Republic of Moldova on the brink of an energy crisis

O.D.English Section / 13 decembrie 2024

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova, Dorin Recean, yesterday asked the Parliament in Chisinau to declare a state of emergency in the energy sector for a period of 60 days. The decision comes against the background of the risk of ceasing...

International Charter to Reduce Space Debris

International Charter to Reduce Space Debris

O.D.English Section / 29 octombrie 2024

Cleanliness is very important, including in space. The European Space Agency (ESA) is in talks with SpaceX about the company joining an international charter aimed at reducing space debris in Earth's orbit, according to ESA Director Josef...

In 2023, global renewable energy production capacity reached an all-time high of 560 Gigawatts, reaching a total of 4,250 GW. If this pace continues, total renewable energy capacity could reach 10,000 GW by 2030, strengthening the transition to a cleaner energy system.

Electricity has entered the age of climate neutrality

O.D.English Section / 17 octombrie 2024

More than half of global electricity will come from low-carbon sources by the end of this decade, according to a report published by the International Energy Agency (IEA). While this development marks major progress towards decarbonisation, the...

Rare fossils, discovered in play

Rare fossils, discovered in play

F.AEnglish Section / 6 iunie 2024

Rare fossils of a juvenile Tyrannosaurus rex have been excavated in the swamplands of North Dakota - a discovery worthy of attention for the scientific knowledge it could provide about the life and history of this famous dinosaur species and for...

Photo source: facebook / Glissando Garden Center

Glissando Garden Center debuts today at BVB

Andrei Iacomi English Section / 3 iunie 2024

Glissando Garden Center, a company specialized in the trade of flowers, plants, gardening articles and plant protection products, is listed today on the AeRO Market, according to an announcement by the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB).

Cleanup campaign on... Everest

Cleanup campaign on... Everest

O.D.English Section / 15 aprilie 2024

Cleanliness in the workplace is very important. For climbers this goal is more difficult to achieve, the special working conditions make most activities difficult. The Nepalese army has begun a campaign to collect tons of garbage and at least...

Personal Finances, a Major Source of Stress

Personal Finances, a Major Source of Stress

O.D.English Section / 5 aprilie 2024

The concern for tomorrow weighs heavily on most inhabitants of this planet. At least half of the adults in several economically strong countries state that they are stressed due to their personal finances, citing inflation as one of the main...

Signal: The uranium mines are reopening

Signal: The uranium mines are reopening

O.D.English Section / 5 martie 2024

The directions of major economic powers in terms of energy production keep changing due to several factors. In the US as well as in allied countries, the owners of uranium mines left in conservation have resumed operations to take advantage of...

The candidates for the ASF Council will be heard today

The candidates for the ASF Council will be heard today

Andrei IacomiEnglish Section / 18 decembrie 2023

The candidates for the Council of the Financial Supervisory Authority (ASF) will be heard, today, in the Romanian Parliament, for a five-year term at the head of the institution that supervises the insurance market, private pensions and the...

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31 Ian. 2025
Euro (EUR)Euro4.9767
Dolar SUA (USD)Dolar SUA4.7959
Franc elveţian (CHF)Franc elveţian5.2638
Liră sterlină (GBP)Liră sterlină5.9541
Gram de aur (XAU)Gram de aur430.9044

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