Vinted, Europe's leading second-hand C2C marketplace focused on fashion, closed a euro340 million secondary share sale in October that valued the company at euro5 billion. (Photo source: https://company.vinted.com)

Vinted rules out listing for now

V.R.English Section / 18 noiembrie

Vinted, Europe's largest online marketplace for second-hand clothing, is ruling out an initial public offering (IPO) for now as it focuses on expanding beyond fashion, according to Bloomberg.

"The residential construction market is decreasing"

"The residential construction market is decreasing"

Recorded by George Marinescu.English Section / 14 august

Reporter:: How did the construction sector perform in the first semester of 2024? Is there a greater appetite for investment in the industrial area? Has the residential market contracted or stagnated compared to the first half of 2023?...

Crosspoint Real Estate, asociat al companiei de real estate Savills în România, informează: "În Bucureşti, un oraş cu un stoc redus de spaţii de retail de tip high-street, localizate pe Calea Victoriei, chiria medie este de 55 euro/mp/lună".

Brandurile celebre investesc în imobiliare

O.D.Ziarul BURSA #Companii / 21 mai

Imobiliarele rămân în continuare un sector solid în care se investeşte masiv. Mărcile de lux au devenit un jucător important pe piaţa investiţiilor imobiliare, câteva branduri de lux făcând achiziţii de proprietăţi de peste 6 miliarde de euro în...

Crosspoint Real Estate, an associate of the Savills real estate company in Romania, informs: "In Bucharest, a city with a low stock of high-street retail spaces, located on Calea Victoriei, the average rent is 55 euros/sq.m. month".

Famous brands invest in real estate

O.D.English Section / 21 mai

Real estate remains a solid sector in which massive investments are made. Luxury brands have become a major player in the real estate investment market, with several luxury brands making property purchases of over euro6 billion in 2023, a trend...

5 star resorts in the land of Aphrodite

5 star resorts in the land of Aphrodite

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 8 mai

Paphos represents the region located in the west of the island of Cyprus, a region where Greek legends and mythology state that the goddess Aphrodite was born from the foam of the sea. On the way to Paphos tourists, who choose to stay first in...

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15 Noi. 2024
Euro (EUR)Euro4.9765
Dolar SUA (USD)Dolar SUA4.7057
Franc elveţian (CHF)Franc elveţian5.3012
Liră sterlină (GBP)Liră sterlină5.9660
Gram de aur (XAU)Gram de aur388.7340

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