US agency: Warmest July on record

US agency: Warmest July on record

O.D.English Section / 15 august

Confirmation of the weather records set this hot summer is coming from several directions. Last month was the hottest July on record and marked the 14th consecutive monthly temperature record, according to a US agency. 2024 currently has a 77%...

Virgin Galactic put spacewalks on hold

Virgin Galactic put spacewalks on hold

O.D.English Section / 11 iunie

Space tourism is not a very easy business to manage. Virgin Galactic, a space tourism company, flew its last flight last week before a two-year hiatus from commercial operations to develop a new class of more cost-effective space vehicles....

Ambiţiile NASA, temperate la... contabilitate

Ambiţiile NASA, temperate la... contabilitate

O.D.Ziarul BURSA #Miscellanea / 18 aprilie

Fără bani nu poţi face nimic, nici pe Pământ şi nici în spaţiu. NASA caută modalităţi pentru a aduce pe Terra roci prelevate de pe Marte, mai repede şi mai puţin costisitor, a anunţat agenţia spaţială americană, după critici aduse bugetului său,...

NASA's ambitions, tempered by ...accounting

NASA's ambitions, tempered by ...accounting

O.D.English Section / 18 aprilie

Without money you can do nothing, neither on Earth nor in space. NASA is looking for ways to bring rocks taken from Mars to Earth, faster and less expensively, the American space agency announced, after criticism of its budget, considered...

Sonda Odysseus va ieşi, temporar, la pensie

Sonda Odysseus va ieşi, temporar, la pensie

O.D.Ziarul BURSA #Miscellanea / 4 martie

Viaţa în spaţiu nu este deloc uşoară, nici măcare pentru lucrurile neînsufleţite. Sonda americană Odysseus, care se află pe Lună de câteva zile, îşi va suspenda în curând activitatea, la finalul misiunii sale principale, care a fost calificată...

The Odysseus probe will be temporarily retired

The Odysseus probe will be temporarily retired

O.D.English Section / 4 martie

Life in space is not easy at all, not even for inanimate things. The US probe Odysseus, which has been on the moon for several days, will soon suspend its activity at the end of its main mission, which was described as a "success" by NASA...

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