Sursa foto: Facebook / Institutul Cultural Român

ICR propune trei burse "Lucian Blaga"

O.D.Ziarul BURSA #Miscellanea / 17 ianuarie

Institutul Cultural Român a lansat un apel de candidaturi pentru a oferi, în acest an, cercetătorilor români trei burse "Lucian Blaga". "Invităm cercetătorii români interesaţi să trimită dosarele de candidatură până pe data de 12...

Photo souce: Facebook/ Institutul Cultural Roman

ICR proposes three "Lucian Blaga" scholarships

O.D.English Section / 17 ianuarie

The Romanian Cultural Institute has launched a call for applications to offer three "Lucian Blaga" scholarships to Romanian researchers this year. "We invite interested Romanian researchers to submit their application files by...

Education: Better Math Results

Education: Better Math Results

O.D.English Section / 6 decembrie 2024

Good news is coming from the education sector. Romanian students' math results are improving, said Education Minister Ligia Deca, after the launch of the results of the international study on the competencies of 4th and 8th grade students in...

"Am făcut câţiva paşi care vor sprijini şi încuraja tinerii să aleagă să continue studiile aici, acasă, spre o carieră de cercetare. Bursele studenţilor doctoranzi au crescut, din anul universitar trecut, la 3.200 lei lunar. Vom lansa în curând a treia ediţie a apelului de burse pentru stagii universitare de masterat şi de doctorat, pentru stagii postdoctorale şi de cercetare în străinătate. Acum bursele au un cuantum cuprins între 1.100 - 1.200 de euro pe lună în funcţie de ţara de destinaţie", anunţa ministrul Educaţiei, Ligia Deca, în urmă cu o lună. (Sursa foto: Facebook/ Ligia Deca)

Bursele studenţilor au crescut

O.D.Ziarul BURSA #Miscellanea / 29 octombrie 2024

Ministrul Educaţiei, Ligia Deca, anunţă că a aprobat noul ordin privind bursele studenţilor. Potrivit ministrului: "Burse mai mari pentru studenţi! Am aprobat noul ordin de ministru privind bursele studenţilor. Cuantumul minim al bursei...

"We have taken several steps that will support and encourage young people to choose to continue their studies here, at home, towards a research career. Scholarships for doctoral students have increased, since the last academic year, to 3,200 lei per month. We will soon launch the third edition of the call for scholarships for Master's and PhD university internships, postdoctoral and research internships abroad. Now the scholarships have an amount between 1,100 - 1,200 euros per month depending on the country of destination" announced the Minister of Education, Ligia Deca, a month ago. (Photo source: Facebook/ Ligia Deca)

Student scholarships increased

O.D.English Section / 29 octombrie 2024

The Minister of Education, Ligia Deca, announces that she has approved the new order regarding student scholarships. According to the minister: "Bigger scholarships for students! I have approved the new ministerial order regarding student...

Medicine: Fees for foreign students to rise

Medicine: Fees for foreign students to rise

O.D.English Section / 23 iulie 2024

Fees for international students are set to rise before the start of the new academic year. Fees for foreign students at the "Carol Davila" University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Bucharest could increase, in the context in which they are...

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Gram de aur (XAU)Gram de aur456.5018

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