Sursa foto: Facebook/ Simona Halep

Dubla măsură în tenis, Halep este revoltată

Octavian DanZiarul BURSA #Miscellanea / 2 decembrie 2024

Există instituţii care reuşesc să uimească prin lipsa de coerenţă manifestată atunci când decid să iau măsuri în cazuri similare. International Tennis Integrity Agency (ITIA) a reuşit să ofere un exemplu de cum nu trebuiesc făcute lucrurile....

Photo source: Facebook/ Simona Halep

Double standards in tennis, Halep is outraged

Octavian DanEnglish Section / 2 decembrie 2024

There are institutions that manage to amaze with the lack of coherence shown when deciding to take action in similar cases. The International Tennis Integrity Agency (ITIA) has managed to provide an example of how things should not be done....

Olympic medalists awarded hybrid cars

Olympic medalists awarded hybrid cars

O.D.English Section / 27 noiembrie 2024

The medalists at the Paris Olympic and Paralympic Games were each awarded a hybrid car by Toyota Romania, COSR's mobility partner, during the Gala 110 Years of Olympism in Romania. The athletes who won two medals in Paris each received a...

Şomer din cauza ironiilor deplasate

Şomer din cauza ironiilor deplasate

O.D.Sport / 13 noiembrie 2024

Excesul de ironie poate dăuna locului de muncă în cazul comentatorilor sportivi. După ce a ironizat fizicul jucătoarei cehe de tenis Barbora Krejcikova, jurnalistul Jon Wertheim a fost "retras pe termen nelimitat" de la Tennis Channel,...

A figurehead in the fight against racism, Real Madrid forward Vinicius Junior has been a target since his arrival in Spain in 2018. Although several legal proceedings have been launched, only some of these incidents have resulted in sanctions. (Photo source: Facebook/ Vinicius Jr)

Racism in sport: a tough problem to solve

O.D.English Section / 29 octombrie 2024

Sport is a field that brings people together, offering the opportunity to overcome cultural barriers and unite diverse communities. However, racism remains a major problem, often visible globally in many popular sports, affecting both players and...

Russian President Vladimir Putin stated that Russia treats all its opponents with respect, according to TASS: "Based on the vast experience of organizing large-scale sports events, including the Sochi Winter Games and the FIFA World Cup, we are promoting new formats of cooperation, relying at the same time on the true ideals and principles of sport".

Signal: Russia wants to thaw relations with the IOC

O.D.English Section / 21 octombrie 2024

Russia has decided to rebuild the bridges that connect it to the world of international sports. The first step was from the highest level. The Russian Minister of Sports, Mikhail Degtyarev, who would fill the vacant post of head of the Russian...

TAS a publicat motivarea deciziei în cazul Simona Halep

TAS a publicat motivarea deciziei în cazul Simona Halep

O.D.Sport / 11 octombrie 2024

Tribunalul de Arbitraj Sportiv (TAS) a publicat, joi, motivarea deciziei în cazul Simona Halep, la şapte luni şi cinci zile de când a anunţat că suspendarea fostului lider WTA a fost redusă de la patru ani la nouă luni.

Patricia Maria Ţig a câştigat turneul ITF de la Bistriţa

Patricia Maria Ţig a câştigat turneul ITF de la Bistriţa

O.D.Sport / 19 august 2024

Jucătoarea română de tenis Patricia Maria Ţig, principala favorită, a câştigat turneul ITF de la Bistriţa, Ţiriac Foundation Trophy, dotat cu premii totale de 25.000 de dolari şi organizat de ACS GS Tennis Club, duminică, după ce a învins-o în...

Nick Kyrgios anunţă că revine în competiţii după un an

Nick Kyrgios anunţă că revine în competiţii după un an

O.D.Sport / 3 iulie 2024

Absent de pe terenuri din iunie 2023 şi după o înfrângere în primul tur la Stuttgart, australianul Nick Kyrgios a anunţat că va reveni în competiţie, la sfârşitul lunii august, când va juca la dublu în circuitul Ultimate Tennis Showdown (UTS) din...

Russian athletes make their way to the Olympics

Russian athletes make their way to the Olympics

O.D.English Section / 1 iulie 2024

Athletes from Russia and Belarus have been given a small chance to reach Paris and some of them have to take advantage of it. The International Olympic Committee authorized 22 Russian and 17 Belarusian athletes to participate under a neutral flag...

5 star resorts in the land of Aphrodite

5 star resorts in the land of Aphrodite

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 8 mai 2024

Paphos represents the region located in the west of the island of Cyprus, a region where Greek legends and mythology state that the goddess Aphrodite was born from the foam of the sea. On the way to Paphos tourists, who choose to stay first in...

Tenis: Gilles Simon se alătură echipei lui Daniil Medvedev

Tenis: Gilles Simon se alătură echipei lui Daniil Medvedev

S.B.Sport / 23 februarie 2024

Daniil Medvedev, numărul 4 mondial, va avea de acum nu unul, ci doi francezi alături de el. Antrenorul său de lungă durată, Gilles Cervara, va fi secondat de Gilles Simon, după cum a anunţat joi site-ul We Love Tennis, informează news.ro....

Photo source: sport.gov.ro

Local sport has awarded its performers

O.D.English Section / 16 februarie 2024

Local sport lives through its performers. It is natural that they should be rewarded for their work. Mircea Lucescu, Simona Radiş, Ancuţa Bodnar and Cătălin Chirilă were rewarded, on Wednesday, with the most important prizes at the Romanian...

Tenis: Premii tot mai mari pentru sportivi

Tenis: Premii tot mai mari pentru sportivi

O.D.Ziarul BURSA #Sport / 15 ianuarie 2024

Sportul profesionist produce şi consumă foarte mulţi bani. Tensiul este un bun exemplu în acest sens. Ştacheta se ridică tot mai sus, inclusiv în ceea ce priveşte premiile puse în joc. Turneul de la Indian Wells din martie va oferi premii totale...

Tennis: Increasing Prize Money for Athletes

Tennis: Increasing Prize Money for Athletes

O.D.English Section / 15 ianuarie 2024

Professional sports generate and consume a lot of money, and tennis is a prime example. The bar is continually raised, including regarding the prizes at stake. The Indian Wells tournament in March will offer total prizes of 19 million dollars,...

Golden Sands, the favorite resort of Romanian tourists

Golden Sands, the favorite resort of Romanian tourists

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 19 septembrie 2023

Golden Sands continues to remain the favorite resort in Bulgaria for Romanian tourists, if we take into account the fact that they spend there not only their vacations during the summer season, but also the holidays of Easter, Pentecost, May 1,...

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