CĂUTARE (1162)

Ilie Bolojan assumed his duties as interim president

Ilie Bolojan assumed his duties as interim president

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 13 februarie

Ilie Bolojan, former president of the Senate, assumed his duties as interim president yesterday after the Constitutional Court took note of Klaus Iohannis' resignation on Tuesday. Before becoming interim president, Ilie Bolojan suspended...

Putin respinge negocieri directe cu Zelenski

Putin respinge negocieri directe cu Zelenski

A.B.Internaţional / 28 ianuarie

Preşedintele rus Vladimir Putin anunţă că Rusia este pregătită să negocieze pentru ca să pună capăt Războiului din Ucraina, însă respinge negocieri directe cu omologul său ucrainean Volodimir Zelenski şi subliniază că nu vede o "voinţă"...

Europe Depends on Chinese Rare Earths

Europe Depends on Chinese Rare Earths

A.V.English Section / 23 ianuarie

Despite efforts to reduce its dependence on China for critical raw materials, Europe remains heavily dependent on the Asian country's resources, according to an analysis by visualcapitalist.com. It highlights the proportion of the EU's...

Pollution Keeps Students Home

Pollution Keeps Students Home

O.D.English Section / 13 decembrie 2024

Pollution is causing major problems in many parts of the world, especially in Asia. Some Iranian students and civil servants have been told to stay home for two days due to severe air pollution affecting Tehran and several other cities in the...

Photo source: Facebook/ Max Verstappen

F1 Champion, Community Service in Rwanda

O.D.English Section / 10 decembrie 2024

Public statements do not always bring benefits to those who make them. Drifts are most often sanctioned, including in the world of motor racing stars. Sanctioned by the FIA (International Federation) for inappropriate language in a press...

Olympic medalists awarded hybrid cars

Olympic medalists awarded hybrid cars

O.D.English Section / 27 noiembrie 2024

The medalists at the Paris Olympic and Paralympic Games were each awarded a hybrid car by Toyota Romania, COSR's mobility partner, during the Gala 110 Years of Olympism in Romania. The athletes who won two medals in Paris each received a...

Global Value Chains - Summary

Global Value Chains - Summary

F.G.English Section / 19 noiembrie 2024

Global Value Chains (GVCs) are international networks of economic activities through which goods and services pass through multiple stages of production, processing and distribution, carried out in different countries. These chains allow...

Campania electorală: faza pe servicii

Cornel CodiţăZiarul BURSA #Editorial / 15 noiembrie 2024

Cornel Codiţă

Nu vă înfioraţi prea tare, nu intraţi la idei, nu vă îngrijoraţi, este doar o figură de stil. Zisele "servicii" au fost, sunt şi vor fi prezente, ca mai totdeauna, în toate fazele alegerilor de pe plaiurile mioritice, de la pre-campanie...

Trump II
Reinventarea Americii

Cornel CodiţăZiarul BURSA #Editorial / 8 noiembrie 2024

Cornel Codiţă

Lumea se grăbeşte. Nu mai e timp de aşteptat. Încă nu ştim nimic despre componenţa echipei de la Casa Albă şi a Guvernului cu care Trump va gestiona temele politice, economice, sociale şi de securitate ale celui de al doilea mandat. Discursurile...

F1: Verstappen a câştigat MP din Brazilia

F1: Verstappen a câştigat MP din Brazilia

O.D.Sport / 4 noiembrie 2024

Deşi a plecat de pe locul 17, olandezul Max Verstappen (Red Bull) s-a impus duminică la Sao Paulo, la capătul unui Mare Premiu disputat în ploaie şi marcat de numeroase întreruperi.

Hyundai Motor India Ltd., the Indian subsidiary of Hyundai Motor, debuted on the National Stock Exchange in Mumbai last week. (Photo source: www.hyundai.com)

Hyundai is delisting its London and Luxembourg GDRs

V.R.English Section / 28 octombrie 2024

Hyundai Motor Co. will delist its GDRs (global depositary receipts) from the London and Luxembourg Stock Exchanges, starting on December 19, according to a recent announcement made by the South Korean car company, picked up by tipranks.com. The...

Last month, Stellantis downgraded its annual forecasts amid higher costs to reviseits US business and competition from China in the electric vehicle (EV) segment. (Photo source:facebook / Stellantis)

Changes in Stellantis management

V.R.English Section / 14 octombrie 2024

French-Italian-American carmaker Stellantis NV confirmed late last week that CEO Carlos Tavares will retire at the end of his contract, i.e. at the beginning of 2026, while announcing significant management changes as a result of not having...

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Curs valutar BNR

21 Feb. 2025
Euro (EUR)Euro4.9773
Dolar SUA (USD)Dolar SUA4.7543
Franc elveţian (CHF)Franc elveţian5.2911
Liră sterlină (GBP)Liră sterlină6.0152
Gram de aur (XAU)Gram de aur447.9253

convertor valutar


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