conference arena
The amphitheater in the premises of the Cluj Arena Stadium will host the courses given by the teaching staff of the Faculty of Psychology of UBB Cluj. Photo source: clujarena.ro. Photo credit: Cosmin Dragomir

University courses at the stadium

O.D.English Section / 12 octombrie 2023

Education can take place in less conventional spaces. We have plenty of examples in this regard. A group of students from the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences at "Babeş-Bolyai" University (UBB) in Cluj-Napoca will be...

FCSB, o nouă înfrângere drastică

FCSB, o nouă înfrângere drastică

O.D.Sport / 4 noiembrie 2022

Mihai Pintilii, antrenor interimar la FCSB, a declarat după ultimul meci din grupele Conference League, că spera ca jucătorii echipei să aibă o atitudine mai bună.

Dust at the inauguration of Mega Mall

Dust at the inauguration of Mega Mall

Alina Toma (Translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 15 mai 2015

South African investment fund New Europe Property Investments (NEPI) yesterday chose to open the doors of Mega Mall in the National Arena area of Bucharest, among workers, scaffolds and dust, which is unusual for a project which wants to be seen...

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Gram de aur (XAU)Gram de aur447.9253

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