Climate refugees - a growing global crisis

Climate refugees - a growing global crisis

O.D.English Section / 14 noiembrie 2024

Climate-driven migration is a major concern for governments around the world. The global climate crisis is no longer a distant future, but a present reality. Every year, millions of people are forced to flee their homes due to natural disasters...

The heat wave caused a real electoral disaster

The heat wave caused a real electoral disaster

O.D.English Section / 4 iunie 2024

Elections, democracy and voting do not do well with excessive heat. At least 33 Indian election workers died due to excessive heat on the last day of national elections in Uttar Pradesh (northern) state, an election official announced, as India...

The apocalypse is coming hour by hour

The apocalypse is coming hour by hour

Dan NicolaieEnglish Section / 13 februarie 2024

Dan Nicolaie

This Sunday I decided to put the TV to work. As my physique did not allow me some walks in the open air, and my inattention blocked my access to books (I sat on my glasses, not the sun) I found myself caught in the tentacles of TV news programs....

The WMO confirms the European temperature record

The WMO confirms the European temperature record

O.D.English Section / 1 februarie 2024

Validating records, even in the field of meteorology, is not an easy task. The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) has confirmed the temperature record of 48.8 degrees Celsius reached on August 11, 2021 in Sicily, at the end of a long...

Record of natural disasters

Record of natural disasters

O.D.English Section / 26 ianuarie 2024

Extreme weather phenomena are increasingly present all over the globe. There are also regions where negative expectations are exceeded. Brazil recorded for the first time in 2023 more than 1,000 natural disasters, respectively an average of more...

Miele lansează noul model de aspirator fără sac Boost CX1

Miele lansează noul model de aspirator fără sac Boost CX1

G.U.Companii / 3 noiembrie 2021

Miele extinde gama de aspiratoare fără sac şi lansează noul model Boost CX1 care este mai compact, uşor şi agil, potrivit unui comunicat de presă remis redacţiei. Aspiratorul are un design modern, o performanţă superioară de curăţare şi este...

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Franc elveţian (CHF)Franc elveţian5.1868
Liră sterlină (GBP)Liră sterlină5.9317
Gram de aur (XAU)Gram de aur433.5050

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