WHO warns: Climate crisis is a global health crisis

WHO warns: Climate crisis is a global health crisis

O.D.English Section / 17 decembrie 2024

The Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, stressed, during a hearing at the International Court of Justice (ICJ), that the climate emergency is essentially an unprecedented health crisis. Climate...

Climate change is imposing a new normal

Climate change is imposing a new normal

Octavian DanEnglish Section / 19 august 2024

Our country has faced a new wave of heat waves in recent days. This is the first red heat code (the tenth this summer) ever issued in August in Romania, the director of the National Meteorological Administration, Elena Mateescu, said. Entire...

COP28 - Climate Change, a Threat to Human Health

COP28 - Climate Change, a Threat to Human Health

O.D.English Section / 28 noiembrie 2023

Humanity is facing increasingly numerous threats, many of which are self-inflicted, and nature seems less willing to aid humans. Experts argue that we have reached a point of no return, and if humanity does not realize the gravity of the...

Southern Europe, threatened by a new disease

Southern Europe, threatened by a new disease

O.D.English Section / 9 octombrie 2023

Diseases have begun to come and go like patterns. Dengue fever will become a major threat in southern Europe, the southern United States, and new areas in Africa in this decade, as higher temperatures create favorable conditions for the...

OMS recomandă noi vaccinuri

OMS recomandă noi vaccinuri

O.D.Ziarul BURSA #Internaţional / 4 octombrie 2023

Oamenii au început să manifeste uşoare efecte adverse când aud de introducerea unor noi vaccinuri, ignorând faptul că acestea salvează vieţi şi nu toate au legătură cu coronavirusul. Organizaţia Mondială a Sănătăţii (OMS) a recomandat vaccinul...

WHO Recommends new vaccines

WHO Recommends new vaccines

O.D.English Section / 4 octombrie 2023

People have started to exhibit mild adverse reactions upon hearing about the introduction of new vaccines, ignoring the fact that these vaccines save lives, and not all of them are related to the coronavirus. The World Health Organization (WHO)...

Extinderea Zika, imposibil de oprit

O.D.Ziarul BURSA #Companii / 22 aprilie 2016

Extinderea virusului Zika pe toate continentele nu poate fi oprită, în ciuda eforturilor conjugate ale autorităţilor din toate zonele deja afectate. Conform oamenilor de ştiinţă, extinderea acestui tip de virus purtat de ţânţari se va accelera...

Epidemie de febră dengue în Paraguay

F. A.Comunicate de presă / 2 mai 2013

Ministerul Afacerilor Externe (MAE) informează cetăţenii români care doresc să se deplaseze în Republica Paraguay că, în ultima perioadă, această ţară este afectată de o epidemie de febră dengue fără precedent, conform unui comunicat de presă...

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